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nishinoya created a topic of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

I watched the anime for this when I was in middle school... I'm about to graduate college this year (⊙…⊙ )

nishinoya created a topic of Studio Cabana

Yuusuke is finally going to be a normal high school student with friends in his same year level. And side note but I kind of find it funny how his whole background on why he's angsty is because he didn't like that people liked his face but he fell for Haruki because she's pretty?? And I initially thought maybe he had a cold family which added to his angstiness but turns out, they (or at least his mom) are quite alright. Another side note, i hope he becomes best friends with mikkun. I have a feeling he will be integral to Yuusuke's progress as a musician.

nishinoya created a topic of Do It One More Time

Crazy how this got adapted into live action k-drama. And they got Jang Nara to play the lead!!! Of course they took away the smut but I remember watching it and thinking that the drama was good. I kind of understand why they adapted this story because it's a good premise

nishinoya created a topic of Backyard Guest

He suffers from toxic male face syndrome but aside from lying, he's actually a sweet guy so his facial expressions is confusing me sometimes

nishinoya created a topic of Secret Star

Did the author discontinue this for... Jinx?????

nishinoya created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

I haven't read this in a while can someone fill me in on who is the white haired guy with the mole?

nishinoya created a topic of My Starry Sky

I always go back here whenever I'm yearning to feel extreme angst. It's done so well imo. And it's one of the few stories where I kind of accept the red flag because it made sense for the to hate yeonduk (not justified but it made sense). And the payoff of him regretting his actions was just so satisfying. The only criticism I have for this is that it felt like it was cut too short. Like, there could have been more but everything was concluded in a single chapter.

nishinoya created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I miss seyeong's earlier design. It feels like author decided to make him look more feminine by enlarging his eyes. Next thing we know his whole face is just going to be his eyes.

nishinoya created a topic of Koi To Uso

I suddenly remembered about this manga so I got curious and it has two endings??? What was the point of every thing that happened if that would just be the case? The author got no balls if they can't commit to a single ending if you ask me.

nishinoya created a topic of Skip to Loafer

I love this so much I love the characters so much this is my roman empire

Is Chaeheon acoustic or something?? Also, the miscommunication trope needs to rest. It was cute until before they went to the military but after that it's just tiring

nishinoya created a topic of Kami no Fune de Nemuru

Same author as Haruka Tooki Ie and that freaking tragedy tag... Someone's going to die ┗( T﹏T )┛

nishinoya created a topic of The Hunter's one night

So the seme was 20 and the uke was 21 when the uke raped the seme and enlisted. Uke entered the dungeon 5 years after which makes seme 25 and uke 26. And then he got stuck there for 10 years, making him 36 and the seme 35. So you're telling me that at the grown age of 35, the seme is still as immature as he was when he was 20. And what he thought was the best reunion gift to his (kind of) older brother is to rape said older brother after he suffered in a dungeon for 10 years. Uke was wrong and disgusting for raping seme but seme was even more wrong and more disgusting for doing what he did aT THE RIPE AGE OF 35!? Was intrigued by the premise of this but why rape as a plot device??? Both the main characters are rapists and the seme had a few panels in the current timeline but he's already insufferable.

nishinoya created a topic of Meaning of his Gaze

The blonde guy suddenly grew and changed appearance after 2 chapters

nishinoya created a topic of Anti-Romance

Kinda want to see the bartender and tawada'a story. Did they just stay friends or..??? They seem close enough to watch movies together but is there more?? Although I do think it's nice that the bartender moved on.

So many things I love about this. I love how this sequel delves more into Misaki's insecurities. I love how cute they are. I love that little dream sequence. Also find it funny how Mikado's love for sucking dick developed because of what happened before,, something just awakened within him

nishinoya created a topic of Skip to Loafer

It wasn't an actual chapter huhu

Those are a lot of sandwiches

nishinoya created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

They're obviously going to fuck. And I also feel iffy about this whole scenario. Like, at what point do you see a child you raised as a love interest?? Although he didn't groom hyo-un because he genuinely saw himself as his guardian. He was with him for a whole decade!! Until recently, he saw him as a teenager at most and then hyo un suddenly grew into an adult. You dont suddenly see someone as an adult just because their appearance changed. And he still obviously sees him as the child he raised. I just don't like this trope. It reminds me of how I felt with Usagi Drop. I'll drop this and then pick it up again once they go back to the current timeline lol (also, I mentioned this before but, although it was obvious that Taehyuk is the reincarnation, I still kinda hoped that he actually wasn't)