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1738 ay's experience ( All 2 )

about have sex
funky title, right? it'll be short. it's pretty established in media portrayals that girls have a "sealed" hymen that is "broken" during first intercourse. it's associated with virginity. many folks are scared their first time will hurt a ton or they'll bleed. however! untrue! by the time sexual intercourse is initiated, your hymen is already wo......   1 reply
06 12,2020
1738 ay 14 10,2020
horny over disability workarounds   1 reply
14 10,2020

1738 ay's answer ( All 12 )

about have sex
yes, it will probably hurt the first time if it's with a guy. if it's with a girl, there's gonna be less pain, considering a girl will know your body better and there's gonna be less "going in". but yes, if it's with a guy, it will probably be uncomfortable to a degree. that being said, it shouldn't really hurt awfully if he's gentle.   reply
06 12,2020
about have sex
1738 ay 06 12,2020
shut up   reply
06 12,2020
about have sex
my life was better 1 minute ago before i saw this   reply
06 12,2020
depends on your age. id say that people shouldnt smack the acearo label on themselves until theyre at least 18. some people just have slow acting libidos.   reply
06 12,2020
1738 ay 06 12,2020
you are a result of the post 2016 internet lgbt+ media overrepresentation like so many others in all seriousness, if you would date girls but you wouldnt take em in bed, youre probably biromantic heterosexual.   reply
06 12,2020

1738 ay's question ( All 0 )

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