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Im praying to gods that they will have mercy on us and give us a good translation of this manhwa because ohmyfuckinggoddangshit the translation is slowly giving me brain aneurysm.

Here's me thinking that that"author" is just Cliff who's highly obsessed with Lize that when she died he did some lil magic magic so he can relive those moments with Lize

Iamcute created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Bro's thi is perfect for Freud's Psychosexual theory of sexual development (OAPhaLaGe)an erogenous zone should be satisfied for a child to develop normally now if a child's need is not satisfied they will develop a Fixation.
We're now in the Phallic stage were the childs erogenous zone is the genitals and they are showing signs of Electra Complex: Girls attracted to their father or Oedipus Complex: Boys attracted to their mother.

Lol ignore me this was a part of my review and this chapter shows a perfect example of a child developing attraction towards their parents.

Iamcute created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Lol both of Dem is really truly possessed by Dazai's soul. Down to the every atom of their DNA and psyche. Perfectly unhinged, Even bro's Eyes shows it, they are almost white now because of how deranged his actions are. They are both madly demented.

Iamcute created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Bro just turned into Dazai and proposed and double suicide

Iamcute created a topic of Profundis

Those people in red uniform are deep in psychosis ooh how I love to see them in pieces either by Him or that abomination inside that gate.

Iamcute created a topic of Payback

Imagine a double suicide (~‾▿‾)~

Iamcute created a topic of Our Sunny Days

(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

Iamcute created a topic of Eleceed

Kartein Never knows how to play fair despite his white knight appearance HAHAHAHHA

Iamcute created a topic of Love to Hate You

Lol. They all live miserably ever after. Seems about a trend to the real world too.

Iamcute created a topic of Eleceed

Mommy's to the rescue!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Iamcute created a topic of Jinx

Bro? You just gotta say the cliché "He's Mine" line and we'll all be set. But what the actual fuck runs in your mind and do that type of thing to Dan just to prove some useless point to another psycho?

Iamcute created a topic of Salty Lust

AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA this one is fucking nuts. The others sure got some few loose screws but goddang this one is a crazy ass motherfucker.

Iamcute created a topic of Payback

I knew it! It has been slightly hinted from the start that he'll off himself after this revenge thing he's doing. I guess Exec Director Yoon also have a hunch, like that moment when Yoohan looked at the window on his home he distracted him with some lovin.

Iamcute created a topic of Limited Run

Hello? Let the guy breath. His father just died although trashy he still treats him like a dad. He collapsed just a moment ago, and now bro's kidnapped with a possibility of being sexually assaulted. Can he rest for a couple months?

When you cannot hate the villain is when you know they're given enough thought while being made and was not just put in the story to be the villain.

Anita gurl got all the rights for vengeance cause her kin, what she considers her family was killed. Slaughtered, just for having the same traits as her when they too are nothing but innocent people.
Everything she does back then was just an equal exchange for me. An eye for an eye, innocent people for innocent people. Everything is just the consequences of the actions of the first king it's just sad that the one who receives the brunt are the innocents.

I really wanna see how their situation plays out. Will Anita receives a redemption arc or will she truly succumb to her hatred.

I think she'll die along with The King though and she'll just vanish.

Iamcute created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Another delulu man on my list

Iamcute created a topic of Dam of the Forest

This just too human for a fictional story

This is just bro started playing family since he found a chick laying on the ground the moment he wakes up. Then started abducting(not really but also true?) people and add them to his new found family.