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Iamcute created a topic of Just Twilight

Why do high schoolers in manhwas got better kick in Romance. I'm smiling ear to ear here

Bro really just want some back burner right there to feed his ego

Iamcute created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I would love for the next season to be an unravelling of Youngchan's character. Like he too will show Hyunsoo his deepest fears those buried tears for all those years.

Iamcute created a topic of Eleceed

Offense defense and healing ability. Maybe he's all set RN. Unless they wanted Jiwoo to Fly he might get some crane like mentor.

Iamcute created a topic of Struck by an Obscene Curse

I think I'll die of laughter and Embarrassment. I know she's goin cray cray with all that libido running in her brain rn but I did not expect a public scene like that. Like that level of public public. Shits not even a lil hidden like below the banquet table maybe, Outside the veranda where a thin curtain is only thing hiding them , or like maybe on a corridor at least, not infront of your citizens. It was like seeing the daughter of the president fucking during the State of the Union Address

Iamcute created a topic of Just Twilight

Bro skipped 30 chapters and asked directly.

Iamcute created a topic of Kill Me

Read the raws.

It's not worth the wait. It's best to read the raws since the art is pretty understandable and from what I've read don't expect that much if you want to have it TLed.

Read the raws and get it over with. Don't expect more, you'll just end up disappointed.

Art- 100
Plot - 3 only good from chap one to three the rest? Trash. Their sex scene is questionable.

Writer just wanted to create a Femdom without a plot in mind

Iamcute created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Bro admits that he likes Garam but too emotionally inept to know what to do in this kind of situation.

Dude you gotta ask for forgiveness first for all the shits you've said and done.

Iamcute created a topic of What a Girl Wants


Iamcute created a topic of How To Break A Curse

It was good at first. And then everything took a turn when it showed she's grooming that child up. Fucking PEDO.

The candle have melted my god it took too goddamn long for that fucking wick to burn!!!

Iamcute created a topic of Distorted Soul

OG soul might be damaged beyond repair with all the shit it has been through and we're seeing how fucked up he becomes as he endured being a whore on that place. the final straw might be the betrayal of his adopted son. Just like any possession a weak soul can be easily corrupted the body can also be taken easily and that's what happened. poor soul it might not comeback. Now i want that current owner to kill everyone. A genocide is not an overkill at this point.

Iamcute created a topic of Elegant Desire

After seeing all that she's still too hang up with that man. She should just try to ask him to fuck her and be done with it and not act like some cheesy teenager.

Iamcute created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Why? Put those dawgs away man. Why the need to focus an entire panel for those. I'm shocked and laughing my ass off rn because of that. Shallow yes but really

Iamcute created a topic of Waterside Night

Taeju really did come a looooong way because no way I would say that THAT man is the same as the one in the first chapters.

Iamcute created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

The delulu boi that can compete with Taeju from Waterside Night's Level of Deluluness.

Iamcute created a topic of Payback


Iamcute created a topic of 1 to 10

Okay maybe the execution is not good but he did end up asking him out to date