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idrfct created a topic of n the Belly of the Ogre

in the most respectful way possible to whoever keeps uploading these new mangas: why are you cockblocking us :)

idrfct created a topic of Brother and Brother

i hope they're not actually blood-related and pull the step-bro trope instead. such a bummer cuz the art looks so pretty too.

idrfct asked question about question

idrfct created a topic of Okuremashite Seishun

The same people complaining and whining about the concept of this manga are the same weird-ass pedophiles reading Shota Oni so shut the fuck up and stop complaining. If you don't like the concept, then don't read it. Simple. Idk why ppl in the comments are so triggered about such a cute manga. Y'all jealous that this ain't you, huh?

idrfct answered question about get to know you
I can't be the only one worried about the safety of the author. Apparently he's already been sent so much death treats. You know how unhinged manga/anime fans are. I think he's brave for killing Gojo and did well sacrificing such an influential and popular character to develop the plot more. But, I'm worried about his safety tbh.
idrfct created a topic of Chi No Wadachi

the fact that his mother never even apologized and got to die peacefully. that's what pisses me off. i don't understand why parents waste such precious times with their children just to mentally fuck them over then they come crawling back to you when you're older.

i really hate when the uploaders do this.

idrfct answered question about go mad or crazy
errrr, are we just gonna ignore the first part?
idrfct created a topic of Chainsaw Man

this is what happens when you kill of the most prominent, popular and entertaining characters in your story. as much as the majority of manga readers hate makima, you can't lie that she was the main attraction of chainsaw man. now it just feels as if the story is all over the place and the author is just trying to fill the gap with loose plots.

idrfct created a topic of Sensitive Boy

nah no way. i'm dropping this manga. i knew the author was going to go this route. they really messing up the story. she shouldn't be feeding into his wrong idea of love and instead helping him by telling him the truth. also, this story is so not realistic. the assault happened only in middle school and he's already fallen for two people now an older woman. i'd understand if it was time skip and he was in his early twenties but it just doesn't make sense. the author had a chance to make this story so good but it's just a generic harem now. bye.