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säe's experience ( All 0 )

säe's answer ( All 11 )

about question
since 2019 or 2020   reply
06 02,2024
i’d fuck my own characters any day   1 reply
18 01,2021
säe 18 01,2021
If you need to vent/talk about it more I’m here to listen. - Here’s a funny one, it’s pretty chill - Another funny one, it’s really interesting, definitely recommend - Another funny one about a guy who used to......   reply
18 01,2021
That one scene in ks where yoonbum was like “I can suck ur dick” I fucking died when I read that   2 reply
01 01,2021

säe's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

26 minutes
did song lyrics stuck in head

My pussy is on fire and your dick is the extinguisher

4 hours
did lose a friend

Yeah cus i was fucking mentally unstable and therapy wasn't an option for me as my parents refused + no money

5 hours