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“I know full well I can’t follow you beyond these doors… … It’s selfish of me to want a place in it, isn’t it?”

Bro he LITERALLY called you his boyfriend!

Life.Jam.on.Toast answered question about sad times
When it comes to any kind of relationship there needs to be balance one person can’t do more than the other or else the one that’s doing the most is going to feel burnt-out and in some cases under appreciated. With that being said you should also be able to share boundaries and your troubles with your friends and they shouldn’t react the wa......
Life.Jam.on.Toast asked a question

It’s a bl manhwa where the mc and ml are against each other at the start. The mc works as like a military guy, and the ml is a mafia guy.

(Mc has black hair and ml has blonde hair, and they’re both buff. Also ik that the mc is the uke and the ml is the seme)

I know they don’t get along at the start ‘cause of the mc being against the mafia n’ stuff.
I know that this one is toxic ‘cause I got spoiled online about some of the chapters. But I heard it was popular so I wanted to try it.

(I only read like the first three chapters when it was really gaining traction so I’m sorry if this description is lacking.)

Edit 1 - I remember people posting about an sa scene in a forest where the mc and ml where like hiding from some people, but the ml just had to have his way.

Edit 2 - At this point I think I’ve just made all this up and this doesn’t exist, but if it’s real it’ll come to me when it does.

I swear the art style changes every chapter

Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of Heart Racer

How is this Title ‘Skid Mark’ for some of you? On my end this is called ‘Heart Racer’ I’m so confused lol

Life.Jam.on.Toast answered question about question
Been on here since 2020, I was 15 and now I’m 19 about to turn 20. And I have no intention of leaving ‘cause this website is what I spend the majority of my time on
Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of Jinx


Jaekyung needs to be humbled real quick, and Dan NEEDS to stand up for himself ‘cause he’s worth so much more than he thinks! + Since Jaekyung just belittled Dan even more, Dan’s gonna have even less self respect for himself, unless his character turns a complete 180°

Life.Jam.on.Toast followed thing

40 people did   /   10 want to do

22 01,2024
Life.Jam.on.Toast answered question about your opinions
I always look for being-you ‘cause they always have a synopsis of the story and a little blurb of their opinion on it and I like that. It helps me decide if I want to read something. :]
Life.Jam.on.Toast answered question about watch anime
Princess Jellyfish is my go-to rec for first timers. It’s relatable, funny, and gets you thinking in some parts too. It’s one of those in my opinion that you can’t forget after you watch it. :]
Life.Jam.on.Toast answered question about question
I have, she reads fanfic and I read BL’s so it’s a good match tbh lol. But what I do is give her the rundown of the worst and the best BL’s I’ve read ‘cause if it’s bad Imma be funny, and if it’s good I’m gonna be so detailed about the story and gush about the writing. She enjoy it though, I always ask and she says it’s cool lol. ......
Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of Jinx

I 100% believe that jaekyung isn’t gonna appreciate Dan’s present at all

Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The fact that she fell asleep to her dad’s racing heart beat is SO PRECIOUS to me!

Life.Jam.on.Toast answered question about question
Found this at Barns & Noble and thought it was funny enough to send it to my friend
I do 5/5 ratings so here’s my 5/5 ️ ratings :] Kiraide Isasete - I really liked how healthy the main couples romance was, and how sweet they were to each other. (Completed) Unromantic- This was another one I really liked because the couple was really sweet to each other. I like how they have moments in their relationship where things are tou......
Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of 19 Days
Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of Hataraku Saibou

Cells at Work literally helped me pass my high school biology class, I’m very happy for its existence! :]

Life.Jam.on.Toast created a topic of Pearl Boy

I read this for 3 years, the author definitely went in a direction I didn’t see from the beginning yet I really enjoyed this. The ending was so bittersweet and I think that the author wrapped it up pretty well. It feels weird for it to be over though lol