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Acture like the answer
Me personally I don’t like it but it’s basically your basic wattpad story where y/n is actually a gay guy and his celebrity crush is a pornstar who is also his classmate for convenience reason.There are lots of well drawn porn scenes as well . Both of them sell like hotcakes among young readers who consider Coleen Hoover as the best romance wr......
Acture like the answer
No motherucker on earth will sit me down and convince me this shit can be enjoyable for anyone. First 4 chapters in I had to drop this for my own mental health. whatever the fuck this is has got to fucking go because I will never understand the pure obsessio with making little kids be obsessed with their older relative that showed them love (Coug......
Acture created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I would've never thought of having a blatant homophobe as the ML in a BL but I the author did. This in the beginning was quite funny, other than the ML's weird remarks that I would believe would result in character development but no. In the beginning, the ML uses coercion to convince the MC to sleep with him and they have a relationship that results in having a FWB relationship. The MC has barely any backbone and allows the ML to walk all over him and disregard his refusal of sex. Many times this happens especially during the somophilia incident. If someone does not consent beforehand or sometimes after depending on the relationship that is sexual assault at the least and rape at its worst. To be honest this has some potential and I believed it would get better but the author doesn't intend on giving a little development to the MLs character other than “My heart hurts why can't my dick get hard” which is not development. Using the “My dick doesn't get hard without you which means we need to be together excused” is extremely lazy and lacks any kind of forethought, if anything it shows the creator's skills in writing which aren't very good.

Acture created a topic of ENNEAD

I've been reading this since the official chapters came out but the more the story progresses its almost as if the author enjoys writing rape centered chapters. In the beginning, when Seth was raped by Osiris, he was executed pretty well. Seth was greatly impacted by it and it wasn't brushed off that the rape had a “reason” to be here (not saying that tape is the only way the story could've progressed or that rape is a reason for anything, rape is an unexcused action that should never be justified) the story moves along due the rape and it wasn't just there because someone wanted to draw it. Now that the story has continued and it dragging. The plot is slow and there shouldn't have been 30+ filler chapters, throught those we see Seth raped in fantasies that weren't even towards the plot or canon the author just wants to draw…rape. Even more at this point, it has become unsurprising to see Seth raped by EVERY SINGLE MAN he meets. The creator enjoys writing Seth and his towards men “allurement” that even women are jealous to the point it is disgusting. This is no longer about a retelling about Egyptian gods with an actual plot and smut sprinkled throughout, the plot is long gone and the story is just being written for fun and rape makes a more frequent occurrence than the supposed ML.

Acture add manga to list Very bad BL’s


  • Author: DaleGeYu
  • Genres: Psychological / Yaoi / Webtoons / Tragedy

This one was short and poisonous, shit was so bad I looked at the panel for a good 5 minutes just to make sure I wasn't crazy. Unfortunately, I was crazy enough to read it in spite of the warnings. This one didn't hold back and escalated real fast. From rape, torture, gaslighting, confinement, slavery, incest, and many more I was left disgusted in many ways. To all the people who say “its just fiction” go outside and touch some grass.

Acture created a topic of Night Song

This isn't very good. No one is talking about how it's good but rather that art is good and I agree, however, the plot and story suck. It's another rape-based plot turned to romance, in the beginning, it seemed good until the rape scenes for the Prince were romanticized and sexualized as if it's hot when the dude is screaming for help. Even more, the seme literally sucks, bro rapes the Prince repeatedly to the point the story just continues like it never happened. I feel bad for the uke and plots like these are boring and simply disgusting.

Acture created a topic of Beyond Memories

Don't tell me this is like a cheaters (not actual cheating) but a regret plot where the seme goes back in time for his mistakes….

Acture add manga to list Very bad BL’s

After the death of his father, Joo Hawon is left with his father’s astronomical debt in the fo...

  • Author: Aczer,Chaepali
  • Genres: Yaoi / Psychological / Webtoons

This is absolutely horrible. The plot line in the beginning was good until it started to slow down and become redundant. The whole thing is a rape fantasy played up to seem like it is not when really it is. The uke is manipulated by seme till the very end. From lying to him about his fathers debt (his father was supposed to be paying the seme before he committed and the seme lied saying he would pay off the ukes debt if he worked for him), raping him repeatedl, and much MORE. The story sucks.

Acture created a topic of The Foul

When I tell you in the beginning it was so good like waiting for updates every day and waiting for the next in my hands and knees kind of thing. The potential was exponential. The story was plot-driven with little tidbits of foreshadowing of smut, the sexual tension between the seme and uke was amazing and I couldn't wait for the story to build up. Again the potential was there and then it was gone. The storyline and mood of the story suddenly changed to the point I didn't exactly understand the actions and intentions of the characters. At some points, it would be retconned and then built upon as some kind of “twist”. The build-up to these “twists” was lackluster and lazy at most. Other decisions are made by supposedly smart characters like the Uka for example. He seemed smart, strategic and knew what he wanted. Abruptly that changed and he turned into every other uke in BL’s, it was disappointing.

Overall the current story has turned lackluster and lazy. The random points of rape and non-con aren't even surprising anymore. The smut has become as boring as the rest of the story. The sexual tension between the MCs was thrown away entirely leaving me to feel whiplashed. It's so disappointing to see a plot like this go to waste.

Acture created a topic of Dangerous Convenience Store

This is literally so good I was tearing up when I clicked the next chapter and it took me to the to-be-continued page. This can be a little cringe at times and make zero sense but at the same time, the maturity of the characters and the building romance is worth it. The only gripe I have with this is that I wish Beom had come out of his shell earlier in the story. His sudden character development was a little rushed and I wish it had started earlier and gradually became more apparent.

These Domsubverses are rarely ever good and this one falls down into the very tall shit pile. The plot is very generic and similar to every other domsubverse the only difference is that the sub has the potential to be a great character. Unfortunately, the Dom is an asshole who attempts to blackmail the sub for his own sexual pleasure, he uses him to tease and have fun with. It's incredibly boring and disgusting. The art is boring and hard to look at. Sucks to see something with potential thrown it away for a sexual assault-based plot

Acture created a topic of Stack Overflow

I'll be honest the art is meh and there's not much of a plot. The whole game system being stuck thing is kind of rapey. He is forced into having sex or sexual fantasies about the men the game chooses (not him). The only one he was kind of okay with was the blonde (puppy trope) co-worker. It calls seems like a rape fantasy just not as brutal. It's not very good overall. The characters are very bland too and you can get bored with every chapter; highly redundant. The concept could've been great.

Acture add manga to list Very bad BL’s

Lee Won, who works as a poor lawyer in Russia, visits City Councilor Zdanov, who is in conflict over...

  • Author: Zig , fat
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi

This was pretty good at first I was really loving it….until chapter 40 where it is rape city, shot him, and held him hostage. It turned to straight garbage after that where the mc got Stockholm syndrome and wanted the ml after all of that. I shouldn't be surprised how bad it got I was just fooled then I looked at who wrote it and yeah Zig loves rape based plots.