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HotCleanDucky like the answer
It not a deep secret. But it is a secret that I keep to myself. And I wanna get this out. It just that, I found out my lecturer is reading on this website too lol
HotCleanDucky recommend the answer
that I had an account on a yaoi website for four years...that being said I've been reading since I was 11.... I'm a sophmore in highschool now

Its funny

HotCleanDucky followed a goer

prns: he/they

1 days
HotCleanDucky like question

seriously. r there no fl reincarnation manwhas where there is no love corners, reverse harem, or multiple male leads?? theyre children wtaf? UGHHH I JS WANT SMTH THATS FAMILY FOCUSED PLEASE??

HotCleanDucky recommend the experience about question

Taka please share your concerns and stop being so avoidant!! ˚‧º·(˃∩˂)‧º·˚.

(Also Yuu in taka's clothes yayy (≧U≦)

I love how more "couple like" their becoming AND exploring each other's feeling

The first time I actually got jumpscared I DID NOT expect them to use a drake

HotCleanDucky followed a list

that was anti anticlimactic

HotCleanDucky like question

Do you know what does yellow flag mean?

HotCleanDucky followed a goer

I like pretty things 

13 05,2024

I love this uploader and there silly drawings ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ keep it up!!


I just dont like this, Give our boy Naho the life he deserves

What?? Naho didn't deserve all the teasing and gossip that was caused BY Kana, kana literally joined in on the gossip behind his back and he thought wouldn't find out?

I wish we would've had more backstory so we know how they normally are or see more Kana to see what he was thinking.

I just don't see Kana and Naho dating. BUT I did really enjoy this it was a nice change of pace!

HotCleanDucky asked a question

I remember when mango was down for like a week.... I genuinely didn't know what to do with my life ( ̄∇ ̄")