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m i r a z i a o created a topic of Backlight
m i r a z i a o created a topic of Lookism

Are you kidding me oh my goshhhhhh :( so this is how the king of Cheongliang goes out???

Gibaek is a player so he sucks, Rookie is b!tch so she sucks, Bang-A has a big mouth that’s always yapping so she really SUCKS. Can they all just get lost and let Siru and Cheong be happy.

m i r a z i a o created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

was woo yeol the driver of the car? oh my gosh

Eeeeeek I read part of the novel and I don’t remember them meeting this soon????!!

m i r a z i a o created a topic of Selena

I can’t waaaaaaaaait for Eiser to show up, Dia needs to get real and get lost

m i r a z i a o created a topic of Jinx

I love jk, honestly don’t know why cause he’s an ahole.. but he definitely deserves to feel like crap. I hope the chasing arc is brutal! Dan deserves to be happy ~

Ugh I understand Bora’s way of thinking and a part of it is from trauma, but other people’s feelings shouldn’t come before her own especially when it’s because THEY like HER man. If they choose to hate you it’s because they’re jealous and they were never a real friend to begin with!

m i r a z i a o created a topic of 1 to 10

Nah I clocked the differences in their expressions with the people he said were “just someone he knows” lol they had to have been ex’s or friends with benefits

I feel a misunderstanding with the medication about to come up pls I just want her to end up with Jaehyung

I’m not complaining, but what the heck is going on? Genuinely so confused

m i r a z i a o created a topic of Chainsaw Man

I’m not complaining, but what the heck is going on? Genuinely so confused

Omgggggg who took her????? Who is kidnapping her in broad daylight???! T T

m i r a z i a o created a topic of True Education

I knew Hyun Daniel was gonna be slightly deranged, the calm ones always are but I’m down with it lmao

I’m kinda cringing the older brother is so up himself, the younger brother is oblivious and the gf is so sus

m i r a z i a o created a topic of Rivalry

Euntak’s Dad looks like Kyujin from Back to School