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Cilantro September 29, 2020 1:48 pm

Ok, first of all, damn. I made an account just so i can read this more comfortably lol. Personally I still don't see how they'll end up together with their conditions: Koto, having a slightly insane mom, and Kousuke, having Miya (his priority. would leave his position to handle the liquor shop for her) who can only see Koto as nothing but a friend. I hope he can still end up being content whether it's with someone else (could be Honma for all i care) or with his daughter alone. He's a good, kinda dumb man with no ill intention who has suffered enough imo.

Also, i know his daughter has suffered a lot too, she's felt betrayed. But i still hope she would show just a tiny bit more respect towards the person who's been providing her so she can continue on living. (the part where he bowed down hit me, maybe it's just my moral, but unless a parent has commited some legit crime, i don't think they're supposed to go to that extreme, but again, it's Japan, I don't know how they do things there, and again, it's just me.)

It's already so long but i feel like i still have things I wanna say :' oh, and that bit from chapter 53 where Koto says something like "surely it was just a talk, but that was so irresponsible" feels a bit off for me, i think she meant to say that he was only saying that but he wont take responsibility, something like that. But i might be wrong, and I love you translator, peace. Oh well i think that's it for know, i hope nobody reads it this far lol. I just need to give my 2 cents (?) on this. :(

    SolracXV October 8, 2020 2:18 pm

    Agree, only I don't think Koto's mom is insane, she's going through a lot and even if we don't see it, she's managing her home as a single mother. She has a really heavy emotional suporting dependency with her daughter, but not to the point where she got her grounded, even when the narrator's viewpoint would show otherwise.

    LaimehKey October 9, 2020 2:58 pm


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