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panda123 did ( All 1 )

first kiss

panda123's experience ( All 0 )

panda123's answer ( All 1 )

18 years old (turning 19 in about week), Female, half Mexican and a splash of Native American but pretty much just white, I'm just doing college right now, Marysville, Ca. And here I was thinking I was all alone (⌒▽⌒) I'm so glad there are other fujoshi out there.   reply
21 02,2019

panda123's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do cosplay

i'd make such a good jotaro kujo (pre testosterone, 5'8" trans guy)

6 hours
did toxic friends

I had one and was also toxic but I genuinely didn't know how friendships worked

8 hours
want to do going to concerts

finally going to see my favorite artist this summer

12 hours