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Meimei June 12, 2021 10:36 pm

Half the drama at mangago is the uploader or scanlator. I get one uploader has some sort of code, but it still illegal and a personal choice, other people will do what they wanna do, no point arguing or trying to decide your way is the right way. This idea that a week delay somehow will make things better is just wishful thinking, it doesn’t make it more legal, nor we have any proof that will generate any money for the author, you just trying to justify your actions. People that come here to read it illegally do it cuz they cant or don’t want to pay, a week delay won’t change that. I’m not trying to make anyone feeling bad, nor do a have any moral standing to preach, I’m only saying that if you will engage on an criminal act, do it conscientiously, face the fact that your act DO NOT result in money for the author and you are NOT helping the industry. We are leechers, let’s face that.

    Errant Belle June 12, 2021 10:42 pm

    They remind me of the mafia...
    "Sure we rob, beat, and murder people, BUT DAMN IT WE HAVE A CODE OF HONOR!!!"

    IDK June 12, 2021 10:49 pm

    say it louder for people in the back

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