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I-would-die-for-Haebom June 27, 2021 11:13 pm

I don't know why you're doing this. There is literally no point. You have nothing to prove here. Seira and Sho have been the uploaders of this for awhile. We're all happy with their uploads. You're being petty and rude for no reason. Stop.

I-would-die-for-Haebom June 22, 2021 10:16 am

The reason so many people are upset is that this last chapter was, whether you want to look at it that way or not, unconsensual. It doesn't matter if Jooni said yes before falling asleep. It doesn't matter if he probably - not definitely - would have been okay with with if he woke up in the middle.
What Siwon did was shitty, and completely out of character for him. It doesn't matter that they started out with a BDSM relationship, because the whole point of BDSM is pushing you to your limits sexually, WITH YOUR CONSENT. Jooni could not consent while he was asleep. If this had happened to any of you in real life, I'm guessing that you might not be singing the same tune that you are now. Regardless of whether or not you gave permission beforehand, no one should think it's okay to do that to you when you're sleeping.
That's why everyone here is upset/uncomfortable with this chapter. When Jooni woke up, he thought that he had had a really vivid dream. He didn't realize that he had fallen asleep after initiating sex, and Siwon decided to keep going anyway. It doesn't matter that Siwon was excited, he could have gone and rubbed one out in the bathroom. There was absolutely no reason for what Siwon did. The fact that it makes so many of us uncomfortable to the point where we're voicing our criticism, doesn't mean we're shitting on the manhwa. It means we had high expectations for this story and this previous chapter let us down.

    peb June 22, 2021 4:47 pm

    then you could’ve not read it if it made yall uncomfortable? they have a bdsm, cnc relationship. in the beginning they obviously talked about what they were and werent okay with, which most ppl in bdsm or cnc relationships do. what they did is called somnophilia, and its an actual thing. you give consent before you sleep. but ofc this means that you would have to think about it a lot since you can’t take back ur consent once youre asleep, you can once youre awake tho. which he didnt, he didnt say the safe word. if that makes u uncomfortable then idk maybe bdsm or cnc stories arent for u

    I-would-die-for-Haebom June 22, 2021 5:36 pm
    then you could’ve not read it if it made yall uncomfortable? they have a bdsm, cnc relationship. in the beginning they obviously talked about what they were and werent okay with, which most ppl in bdsm or cnc... peb

    With all due respect, you're proving my point. There was no talk beforehand. Jooni didn't mean to fall asleep and they didn't discuss safe words or anything before he did. I get that people have different kinks - different plays that they're into. We've clearly seen in this manhwa that Jooni and Siwon have several. And I am not shaming that whatsoever. If they had discussed safe words and somnophilic play before Jooni fell asleep, I wouldn't have written my original post. But it was clear that they didn't by the way Siwon reacted when Jooni fell asleep. I don't hate nor am I uncomfortable with BDSM manhwas. I just wish that BDSM was portrayed correctly. And this manhwa was supposed to be the that one exception to so many others. I get that this is fiction, but art imitates life, and there are so many instances of irresponsible BDSM practices and relationships in the media that it leads to people getting hurt and left feeling violated in real life when that is not the purpose of BDSM.

    peb June 22, 2021 6:11 pm
    With all due respect, you're proving my point. There was no talk beforehand. Jooni didn't mean to fall asleep and they didn't discuss safe words or anything before he did. I get that people have different kinks... I-would-die-for-Haebom

    yes i understand what you meant however since its a book not everything will be in it, so the author mightve meant it as consent and both parties being completely alright with it and just have not put it in. again they shouldve but since its a book its not that big of a deal. however if it was a real life thing then i would agree that they needed a much better scene of consent etc.

    oSigaro June 24, 2021 5:34 pm
    With all due respect, you're proving my point. There was no talk beforehand. Jooni didn't mean to fall asleep and they didn't discuss safe words or anything before he did. I get that people have different kinks... I-would-die-for-Haebom

    Did you not see at the end that he said he had a great dream about Simon fucking him meaning that he would be happy if he knew that Simon what been actual fucking in real life

    I-would-die-for-Haebom June 24, 2021 6:41 pm
    Did you not see at the end that he said he had a great dream about Simon fucking him meaning that he would be happy if he knew that Simon what been actual fucking in real life oSigaro

    Dreams and real life are not the same thing. We don't know if Jooni would have been cool with Siwon fucking him while he was asleep because the author didn't make that clear. This is purely your conjecture. I'm sure that the author probably intended it to be that way, but we don't get confirmation
    from what is shown to us, and that is why so many people are uncomfortable.

I-would-die-for-Haebom June 17, 2021 8:45 am

I'm sorry if this doesn't have the angst, the oomph you might be looking for, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a good manga. If you want to read Sayonara Alpha or Megumi to Tsugumi then go ahead. But this isn't either one of those.

Sayonara Alpha is a controversial manga. Many people hate it because of the age gap. I have read it, and I did enjoy it for the most part because nothing happened between them before the kid grew up because the omega,(their names escapes me), knew it was wrong. The mom did what she knew was best and took her son away, and allowed him to make his own decision once he became an adult. It was a poignant story and I loved it.

Megumi to Tsgumi is one of my favorites. I keep up with all the updates. It's lighthearted and hilarious at times. It's a cute story.

People enjoy this manga because of how much Hazuki and Naoto love each other and the family that they've made. This is romantic and sweet, but it's not without its struggles because of how Naoto was severely traumatized by what happened to him in high school and swore that he didn't need any help from alphas. Hazuki was in a similar situation. They found each other and not only came to love each other, but helped each other heal.

Long post short, if this isn't your cup of tea, that's okay. You don't have to read it. But don't come on here in an attempt to shame other people for something that you find mediocre while comparing it to other stories. Again this isn't anything but Kiraide Isasete. Let's just enjoy it for what it is instead of comparing it to what it isn't.

I-would-die-for-Haebom June 17, 2021 8:01 am

I get it if some people don't like reading BL with children in it, but.... that's pretty much the purpose of omegaverse. So I really don't understand why some people are so bent out of shape saying that children ruin BL. Why are you reading omegaverse if you don't like seeing children in BL????? Those two pretty much go hand in hand. Get off of this manhwa's page if you don't like Byul and leave everybody who adores Byul and will do anything to defend him alone.

    megumii June 17, 2021 8:18 am

    bestie- preach. you said it perfectly.

    - 3 - June 17, 2021 5:29 pm

    You read my mind. Why they angry at a child that hasn’t even started school yet(⊙…⊙ )

I-would-die-for-Haebom May 21, 2021 7:09 am

Why are practically all female characters in BL so bitchy!?!?! The only one that I could possibly tolerate right now is Luo Bo's mom. AND SHE SHIPPED HER SON IN A CARDBOARD BOX TO HIS UNCLE SO THAT SHE COULD GO ON A VACATION.

I-would-die-for-Haebom May 20, 2021 3:22 pm

I love that they're properly communicating their feelings now. Communication is key to a thriving relationship, but I'm just sitting over here kicking myself that I didn't wait until this had more chapters before I started reading it because I hate that Jaehwa has to deal with this ridiculous plagiarism issue. Just imagine how that feels. You get disowned by your family for following your passion- something that you're good at too, your boyfriend then makes you choose between your success as a writer and him, and then you're slapped in the face with this big scandal by someone plagiarizing your hard work and making you look like the bad guy. And the people who are trying to screw you over have shitty excuses for it too!!!! I feel like flipping a table, but I am happy that he at least worked things out with Taekyung.

I-would-die-for-Haebom May 6, 2021 12:48 am

Kittyboy Chanwoo said that they weren't dropping this project and said for no one to upload over them. I appreciate the effort, but uploading over them is really rude. Please don't do this again.

I-would-die-for-Haebom May 4, 2021 11:51 pm

Caly your work is always so good, and there will never be a moment where I don't appreciate everything you do. Your memes and comments make all of your projects greater. I'm sure that the number of people who can never be satisfied is less than the amount of people who think you're a godsend. "Eat a snickers and touch some grass," had me rolling by the way. Stay beautiful Caly!

I-would-die-for-Haebom April 5, 2021 7:19 am

I personally don't have experience with being small and childlike, but I'm friends with people who look just like Yul. I can understand why it can be difficult to wrap your head around, but at the end of the day you have to face facts; Yul is an adult. He consents to the relationship he has with Luan, so I honestly don't see what the issue so many of you are having to the point where you're saying that you're dropping this manhwa. It may seem shota-ish, but I feel like it's important for people like Yul to get representation because they are out there. And trust me, they are tired of being treated like children or turned down by possible romantic partners simply because of how young they look. It's so dehumanizing and it needs to stop; especially in this comment section.

    Erys April 5, 2021 8:48 am

    I agree with you with anything he looks very much more compact which is annoying by any means because they keep kind of making him look wonky body size wise when he shouldn’t and because of that his partner looks wonky because they’re trying to make them fit to that but whatever usually when he standing they look the same as they did before he looks delicate if anything else is not that bad to the point that I would drop it because he clearly like his mindset like the whole thing it’s just I’m clearly a grown ass adult it just has had problems in life so I don’t get why people have to drop it loyal people feeling uncomfortable

    Akikosenpai April 5, 2021 9:12 am

    If he looked like this from the beginning, I could understand your argument for representation.
    But he looked very different at first. Also young, but not super small compared to the dude fucking him. It makes sense people are weirded out by this choice the author made. Their opinion is just as valid as yours.

I-would-die-for-Haebom February 28, 2021 4:37 am

I've been seeing comments about how Jace was at fault too, and I just want to put some things into perspective. Both times that Jace and the Duke had sex before this particular event, Jace wasn't fully in control of his actions. The first time, he thought he was dreaming, and before anyone says anything to argue with that, you've probably never had a lucid dream before. They're very realistic. The second time, Jace was drunk off his ass and, again, didn't have great control over his actions. I will agree that neither of these excuses for Jace put him in a favorable light, but when he realizes what he has done, he tries to clear up the misunderstanding with the Duke and make amends. He tries to go back to as close of a professional relationship as possible. What many of you, who are blaming Jace for this, don't seem to understand is that the Duke is a big muscular man who could have easily shaken off Jace's advances. Jace may have taken the lead, but the Duke was the one who didn't try and stop him.

This is RAPE. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Jace wasn't in control here. Him getting an erection after the Duke FORCED Jace to suck him off does not equal consent. Look at the marks on his face, the bruises on his neck. Think about how hard the Duke had to be gripping him by the neck to have left bruises that appeared that quickly after the rape. Yes, the Duke felt led on by Jace, but he is the one that's making up scenarios about how Jace is sleeping around with anyone that catches his fancy, and then turning to violent and barbaric means to get back at him. Jace tried to make him understand that he didn't consciously play with him; that he wasn't trying to make a fool of him, but the Duke ignored him, and took advantage of him.

Yes what Jace did wasn't good, but it is NOT his fault in any way that he was raped. He wasn't, "asking for it." And the fact that I have to say that is really heartbreaking.

    Fujoshi Dotti February 28, 2021 4:57 am


    O Schnapp February 28, 2021 5:51 am

    I 100% agree, and I’d like to add that during the first time, even if it wasn’t properly portrayed, Jace probably was high off of the painkiller. It for sure was working because Jace woke up not being able to feel his pain. So that and being high helped confirm in his head that he was dreaming, not understanding he was taken care of by a doctor. I could go on but then I’d just be preaching to the choir.

    Rin_kitty.36 February 28, 2021 5:59 am

    Bravo to you i been waiting for someone to right this

    I-would-die-for-Haebom February 28, 2021 6:47 am
    I 100% agree, and I’d like to add that during the first time, even if it wasn’t properly portrayed, Jace probably was high off of the painkiller. It for sure was working because Jace woke up not being able ... O Schnapp

    I thought that he was also on some kind of drug, but was in too much of a fury to get this down. Thanks for reminding me!

    O Schnapp February 28, 2021 7:06 am
    I thought that he was also on some kind of drug, but was in too much of a fury to get this down. Thanks for reminding me! I-would-die-for-Haebom

    No problem ^^

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