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yongles created a topic of Guiding Hazard

side note i love this author so bad they make really good fantasy bls. good plot and good art man what more could i ask for

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

"you are fucked" uh yeah in what sense exactly?

yongles created a topic of Jinx

I am my own enemy. I say I'll drop this and then proceed on checking the new updates only to once again say I'll drop it for real this time and then becomes anxious about what's going to happen so I always end up checking the latest updates

yongles created a topic of Full volume

dowon is so pretty what a heck

yongles created a topic of Willow love story

omegaverse is just a bait i need to see the baby please give me the baby

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

god i love them so much they're so stupid

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
yongles created a topic of Full volume
yongles created a topic of Jinx

No no no please I'm almost begging don't put Dan in such a dangerous situation. Man's already going through a LOT (Jaekyung being a shit ass and now the news with grandma). Let's scheme and pray for Jaekyung's downfall without Dan's expense please please

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!


yongles created a topic of Jinx

No because if Dan gets in danger or ever will be involved in any danger that would and could potentially cost his life, I'm dropping this for good. Jaekyung's personality is an interesting subject to study but honestly atp I don't care about him anymore or his career just keep Dan safe ffs. Leave him out of this. The emotional turmoil Jaekyung gave him is already enough please

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae you ain't that smart as you think and you certainly ain't as strong either

yongles created a topic of Jinx

I'm so tired of this. This was such a hard read. Couple chapters ago I wanted some redemption and reverse chasing arc (jaekyung chasing kim dan and yes i was heavily influenced by bj alex im sorry) but at this point jaekyung can shove it up his arse. I want to see kim dan finally being done with him and just "sticking to his job" but I fear too much distance will piss the shit out of jaekyung. Can some multibillonaire CEO green flag take dan away from this horrible man please

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

heejae will never be not funny

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

dude couldn't pick a struggle when he chose to be both delulu and in denial

yongles created a topic of Jinx

god damn i cant defend u anymore doc dan

yongles created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I don't see it — their potential to be in a relationship. One is filled with remorse the other is filled with void. I just don't see how they're going to work. They're not healthy for each other. But then again who am I to assume when painter of the night literally happened