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yongles created a topic of Work Love Balance

ah yes my favorite words "I'll buy it for you"

yongles created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Scrolling through the pages of their tale is quite, I might say, dreary. Tis as though you had braced for the worst yet given these warm, charming moments. One can't seem to fully indulge in such pleasantry as the fear of impending doom lingers.

yongles created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

tf does "settle for me" even mean? just say you like Sanho but not enough to actually LIKE him

yongles created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Oh Tak I try to empathize with you coz I know that you ain't been through nothin but you wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

last panel heejae is so uncanny valley what a heck

yongles created a topic of Gig of the Day

just discovered this today but I know this one's cooking and it's bitter. like a young naive boy who misinterprets being treated "nicely" as being treated with love and a man craving for control who knows exactly what the other party is seeking for? it's gonna be a wild ride. also lowkey shipping mc with secretary park

yongles created a topic of Monday'saviour

this is confusing than organic chem

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

ohlalala, i might be a fan :(

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

feel like he's up to no good but in a good and fun way

yongles created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

come on give him that netkama punch babes

yongles created a topic of Monday'saviour

I mean sure MC could've just asked why ML is scared of horror movies but honestly if I was in ML's shoes I wouldn't wanna talk about it (knowing now the true horrors it bring him). I wouldn't just casually trauma dump lol. And I can sense this is one of those memories he's been trying to repress and hopefully forget. MC obviously didn't mean it. I think he's grown fond of ML already and unless you're a messed up person, you wouldn't wish harm on those you're fond of.

yongles created a topic of Full volume

fork im crying so hard rn im gonna miss them. be happy and kinky forever and ever beom and dowon!!

yongles created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

ahahahahhaha great just like what i needed and wanted (totally not being sarcastic btw)

yongles created a topic of Jinx

When I said I'll be praying for Jaekyung's downfall this is not what I meant. I want him to fall FAIRLY and JUSTLY. That shit was just straight up disgusting and disrespectful. Jaekyung is a big name on his scope of work. He's an ass but man you give credit when it's due. Also Doc Dan I just know shits bout to happen to him

i swear assuming things is never good. it takes a lot of courage to start a conversation about things like this but boi atp you're doing too much