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The way emotions are captured through pictures....that feeling going through each panel..

Ducker like photo (from Lmao)
Ducker created a topic of Jinx

In this chapter I am obviously on jerkyung side..When the fuck did he showed romantic affection that made u feel loved??? Hope that there is a valid reason why this bitch likes this towards Dan.. His jinx story should be strong to justify his behavior and actions

Ducker created a topic of Jinx

Story looks like wattpad cliche from 2013 like rich dude and poor guy..only difference is good art . Finally he got a fucking reality check like you are working your ass of another job for buying him gift while you get raped and humiliated by him... your delulu is not solulu

Ducker like the answer
He is so cuteee ️️ nothing Brooklyn nine nine

I can't understand fl..she came from modern world and educated too..why she fucks the whole family ..he is not her biological father but still he raised her ??!!

Ducker created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
Ducker created a topic of Jinx
Ducker created a topic of Little Bit Psycho

Bitchan????! More like bitch needs to be in jail