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Coco created a topic of Waterside Night

I just feel like the author dragged the story unnecessarily long making the male lead seem more like a bad person for no good reason ... Now before people start to come at me for this , hear me out , so much happened within their (both uke and seme's) monologues that a thing which merely started as a thought or let's say an idea , that could have taken some shape if even one of them were to speak their mind to each other , it wouldn't have turned out to be this ugly ... Yep , there ways of loving or showing their love might be fucked up , but there's no denying that THEY BOTH CAUGHT TRUE FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER WAY BACKKKK ... but the misunderstanding plot dragged on wayyyy long and even more misunderstandings were formed . I won't say that seme treated the uke right all the way , but yes , he was trying( reference to the monologues where he remembered about what his father said about the uke being scared) and yes , WE KEEP FORGETTING that the seme is no ordinary person but a thug , so he had a lot to learn ... He was having a character development but his feelings never made out of the monologues until the his every act was being misinterpreted by the seme as sheer debt repayment because of all the past trauma and hyper-independence the uke had developed over the years . They both were hurting , trying to figure out how to love , whether or not to love , but were too scared to love ... None of their characters can be strictly labelled as good or bad , they were just too HUMAN ... NEGLECTING WHAT MOST HUMANS DO NEGLECT , EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ... Anyways , I hope they learn to rely on each other and communicate soon