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whatever created a topic of Lily of the Valley


whatever created a topic of Lily of the Valley

Yeah no shit, Lily. Stop crying because that's what you chose for yourself well deserved for you, dumbass. Anna deserves someone much better than you. Someone who wouldn't hesitate choosing her over anyone or anything

whatever created a topic of Jungle Juice

NEST better treat Suchan real good w respect from now on cuz they lacked sm common sense and critical thinking skills from the previous issue wherein Suchan was framed of eating the worm(?) guy :///

whatever created a topic of Ideal Type but Kkondae

This feels so wrong but I'm so invested

WAAHHHH so happy that it immediately got resolved

I thought this one was kinda nonsense and silly because of the wishes but after the realization, it had me bawling my eyes out cuz nahh my man was already planning to kill himself but those wishes of em kept him living:(((

whatever like photo (from SEXY)
whatever created a topic of Waterside Night

Nah I'm sorry the way our MC was fighting his dad was kinda funny for me

whatever created a topic of Jungle Juice

Petition for all of those people who forsakened and didn't believe in Suchan to die in the most painful way

whatever created a topic of Lucky Paradise

I aspire to be freaky like these two

whatever followed a goer
22 days
whatever created a topic of Lily of the Valley

My heart aches for Anna:(((( Lily DOES NOT DESERVE HER at all. Anna deserves so much better than that