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uhh February 4, 2021 4:13 am

bl where the couple is super cuddly? like hidoku shinaide

uhh February 4, 2021 4:10 am

is 19 days worth the read? its super long but it looks really good so im not sure if its a waste of time

    koushux February 4, 2021 4:13 am


    YesButLikeNo February 4, 2021 4:13 am

    yes! the chapters are very short so the long count will breeze by as if it's nothing ~

    Sammy February 4, 2021 4:13 am

    It too funny & loveable !! Bruh initially I was like it's too long, but gUeSs wahst I finished reading it within an hour , & btw one chapter is only 3-4 pages long(≧∀≦)

    So definitely try reading it! You won't regret it ! I promise!

    Photaku February 4, 2021 4:14 am

    Its super good. Its long, but the chapters are short, so you'll breeze right through it. The first like 50 chapters are combined or just couple of images with no text. I got to chapter 100 so fast and was like "wait a sec" but its just cause each chapter is so short. So you will really read it in like...a day or less.

    remanlover98 February 4, 2021 4:21 am

    i just started reading it recently (i'm like on Chap. 160) and it's flying by. i think the first 50 chapters are some of the shortest so far.

    Nana February 4, 2021 4:22 am

    YES YES YES! It starts out with pretty random storylines but everything just make sense and it's sooo short! I finished it within a day XD

    uhh February 4, 2021 4:41 pm

    omg thank you everyone for replies im gonna check it out now for sure <3<3

uhh February 3, 2021 6:43 pm

not a question but has anyone seen No.6? it was such an amazing anime and i wanna discuss it with somebody (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Arai February 3, 2021 6:51 pm

    yes it's so good. But I wish they didn't end it that way tho tbh

uhh February 3, 2021 4:17 am

okay not to sound like some old ass grandma but i feel like manga/manhwa now are just becoming less of "boys love" and more of "rape and blackmail".. most of the new webtoon coming out are just the same old size gap, pale uke big, strong seme-- where the uke is constantly yelling no or stop .. it just isn't about love anymore ╥﹏╥

    uhh February 3, 2021 4:19 am

    there's definitely gems like "Sign" and "Here U Are" but a lot of the stuff now is just really talented artists with the shittiest plotlines ever (like candy man)

    SomethingSomething February 3, 2021 4:24 am

    well, me personally, I think the trope of straight guy getting drunk and then getting taken home by a gay guy and then falling in love because they feel some sort of responsibility for what they've done is the best type for me. Surprisingly there's quite a few of them out there.

    Ambrosia February 3, 2021 4:33 am

    Agree. The deep sadness I feel when there's a story with gorgeous art and just absolutely shitty characters or plot lol. There's a few historical BL I found like that recently, such a waste.

    Maysus February 3, 2021 4:35 am

    For real. It's all about the smut anymore :(

    Okami07 February 3, 2021 4:40 am

    Actually things are getting slightly better... if you were a BL readers 6 years ago or something you would have struggled to find something that is not rapey and stereotypical

    Just try to avoid the popular section and follow healthy recommendations lists

    Chimken February 3, 2021 5:16 am

    hahaha kinda agree but not all bls, cuz me if I see a comment that it has rape content, it’s automatically canceled to me.

    Quicksilver February 3, 2021 5:26 am

    You're saying the same thing everyone who likes to bltch about this genre says. This crap with all the complaining started about three years ago. Before that, we were grateful to the authors and happily accepted whatever great stuff they graced us with. There was no bitching non-stop in comment sections and no pressuring authors. You complainers sound so friggin spoiled, never happy with a single thing, thinking you should have this genre the way you want it to be, not what it is and has always been to the fans who have always cherished and treasured it. You want it all handed to you as if these authors exist to tailor their work to suit you and your fellow totally spoiled buddies Stop being so damned demanding all the time, stop passing judgement on authors and their stories if they don't fit in with your tastes and scruples. The world doesn't revolve around you and your age group.

    SomethingSomething February 3, 2021 5:35 am
    You're saying the same thing everyone who likes to bltch about this genre says. This crap with all the complaining started about three years ago. Before that, we were grateful to the authors and happily accep... Quicksilver


    uhh February 3, 2021 6:44 am
    You're saying the same thing everyone who likes to bltch about this genre says. This crap with all the complaining started about three years ago. Before that, we were grateful to the authors and happily accep... Quicksilver

    you have a point, but i never said anything about how they should only cater to my preference. ive been reading BL manga/webtoon for a long time and i'm just sharing my opinion of what i think of the new ones coming out. obviously i don't hate everything coming out and i actually really enjoy a lot of the new stuff-- im just giving my two cents of some of the recent ones i've read on the popular page.

    miki February 3, 2021 7:01 am

    You phonies saying "manga/manhwa NOW are just becoming less of "boys love" "it just isn't about love ANYMORE" "a lot of the stuff NOW" "It's all about the smut ANYMORE." lol Like there's a sudden rash of all the stuff you kiddies don't like griping about. No. This genre hasn't changed. I see right through you and just how young you are. The grownups here wish you'd put a clamp on it.

    spacedaddy February 3, 2021 7:34 am
    You're saying the same thing everyone who likes to bltch about this genre says. This crap with all the complaining started about three years ago. Before that, we were grateful to the authors and happily accep... Quicksilver

    Lol sorry straight up RAPE doesn’t appeal to me or others. If a plot can’t move without the mc getting forced then it’s shit. It’s a shit story. Point blank period. The world doesn’t revolve around me but how do you expect people to be happy with gross ass content? Artists release art for opinions in the first place, they have to be able to face them whether they like them or not. I will not accommodate to y’all weird ass fujoshis fetishes. Yes I want inclusion and love and I am GRATEFUL for good stories and art, however I will not beg for crumbs of the same gay stereotypes anymore. It’s weird. You’re weird. This whole comment is weird, I will pass judgement on whoever the fuck I want especially if they deserve it. Getting off to rape, no matter how much represantion you want. Is WEIRD. and this is as if they’re aren’t sooo many better non sexual bl romances. There’s a difference between BOYS LOVE and straight up normalized fucked up porn. Idc how long this shit has been going on idc that im “young” and my “age group” is new. Idc that I sound “spoiled” suck my fat dick and get over yourself just because ur old doesn’t mean your normal :D.

    Quicksilver February 4, 2021 3:37 am
    Lol sorry straight up RAPE doesn’t appeal to me or others. If a plot can’t move without the mc getting forced then it’s shit. It’s a shit story. Point blank period. The world doesn’t revolve around me... spacedaddy

    speak for yourself, not others. You don't know what other people think. All yaoi and BL is not shit. It's a stories and art. It's not illegal, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying reading or writing it. The content is not up to you. It's up to the author who is free to express whatever they feel with their art. Gross-ass is an unreasonable, uncalled for insult to all authors, all authors, not just the ones you're taking a piss on. Artists do not "release art for opinions in the first place." That is not why artists make art. They mostly care about their expression and freedom, not your biased opinion. You don't get a say in what artists choose to create. You're just an ungrateful audience member. I'm certain " y’all weird ass fujoshis" couldn't care less what you accomodate. It's got nothing to do with them. You might as well go piss up a tree for all your opinion matters. Your attitude towards artists and fans is piss poor. You ought to be ashamed. Yaoi and BL have nothing to do with gay men, gay stereotypes, or any of your ego-tripping delusions that anyone is "fetishizing you." You have no need to worry about that. No one wants to fantasize over you. LOL Yaoi and BL is not about gay men. That you don't know this is your ignorance. When you people who bltch endlessly about how you don't want rape in fiction, you never really define what you mean. Seems you think just about anything is rape, which is horse shlt. Ppl who like yaoi often like to see the sex. That you don't like seeing the explicit sex scenes means that you're not able to handle adult content. You need to find something you enjoy reading instead of trying to vote down other ppl's right to read for pleasure whatever they like.
    BL does not have to include love. that's stupld. Don't call these artist's work porn. I'm only a little older than the snowflakes. lol You don't know me. I sometimes enjoy reading perverted stuff. You have no right to make your best effort to stop me. Yaoi has always been what it is right now.

    Quicksilver February 4, 2021 3:46 am
    you have a point, but i never said anything about how they should only cater to my preference. ive been reading BL manga/webtoon for a long time and i'm just sharing my opinion of what i think of the new ones c... uhh

    okay, I appreciate your politeness. It really depends on how long you've been reading these works as an adult. Kids can't consent, can't form valid opinions about it, and can't keep it in perspective. How long have you been reading it as an adult? that's your starting point. You talk like there's been recent rash of bl that you find immoral. Saying that let's us know a lot about how old you are.

    Quicksilver February 4, 2021 3:47 am
    You phonies saying "manga/manhwa NOW are just becoming less of "boys love" "it just isn't about love ANYMORE" "a lot of the stuff NOW" "It's all about the smut ANYMORE." lol Like there's a sudden rash of ... miki

    totally agree

    uhh February 4, 2021 4:04 am
    okay, I appreciate your politeness. It really depends on how long you've been reading these works as an adult. Kids can't consent, can't form valid opinions about it, and can't keep it in perspective. How l... Quicksilver

    my original phrasing might have been wrong, there's always been these rapey mangas around even years ago but the only reason i posted about it was because a lot of the new ones are getting to the popular page just because they have the same old tropes and same old character interactions. mangago has been up for a pretty long time and it's where i read most of my BL so i just commented because I noticed how the popular page only seems to have one type of manga now, but what i think is definitely subjective

    spacedaddy February 4, 2021 10:22 am
    speak for yourself, not others. You don't know what other people think. All yaoi and BL is not shit. It's a stories and art. It's not illegal, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying reading or writing it.... Quicksilver

    I have nothing wrong with explicit scenes, i read yaoi too idiot.

    “Bl, Yaoi is not about gay men”

    literally shut up.

    The genre is about fetishizing gay men to appeal to straight women, right? It has everything to do with that. And everything to do with my SEXUALITY, obviously not me as a whole but it effects me. The same reason why you don’t see people here particularly enamored with the same straight or lesbian mangas, (with the same ass story lines) is because yaoi and bl is about gay MEN. I’m not insulting all authors either, they're plenty of great authors and artists. However, getting off to rape, is weird. And I’m not trying to kink shame here either. I’m not “ungrateful” for being creeped out, not ashamed either. Look in the mirror, the fact you find it more insulting someone has a problem with this rather artists writing gay rape fuel for teenage girls. I also never said anything about not wanting rape in fiction what I mean is, if you want a better explanation, is an accurate representation of rape if someone’s even going to involve it ones story line, romanticizing rape isn’t cute, it just pushes more disgusting stereotypes unto gay men and feeds into yalls pov.I have nothing wrong with sex in story’s, yaoi, whatever, but y’all salivating over characters getting forced upon. It’s weird. IDC if you read perverted shit, hell I do too on occasion, But the whole yaoi industry being centered on this shit should be recognized and people esp the demographic for yaoi, straight girls, should understand why getting off to rape is weird. And, BL and Yaoi are NOT the same, bl doesn’t usually involve NSFW or porn, which lets be frank is what is in artists work. It’s as simple as that, bl just means a webtoon or manga etc with an mlm relationship at the forefront’s. It doesn’t have to include love, no, but it rarely includes porn. Yaoi is the exact opposite. Also YOU have no right to tell me about “who’s fetishizing me” LOL. you aren’t me and you never fucking will
    . As an gay Asian boy, please, I’m begging you to sit tf down, idk if you want to die on this hill. I am constantly being fetishized, not only by the people around me but the content on this website artists and it’s users. IDC how long you’ve been reading yaoi or bl, you will never truly understand. Just cuz yaoi has been weird doesn’t mean it has too.

    Quicksilver February 4, 2021 8:57 pm
    I have nothing wrong with explicit scenes, i read yaoi too idiot. “Bl, Yaoi is not about gay men” literally shut up. The genre is about fetishizing gay men to appeal to straight women, right? It has everyth... spacedaddy

    you could read this on my home page, but I will take the trouble to enlighten you right now. Here's where I stand on Yaoi/BL: For the most part, it's written by women for women . Are those women out running all the hell over Manhattan trying to sniff up some gay male vapors for inspiration, hanging on gay men's every word? Hell no. Yaoi authors might be women, but every woman has a man inside, and authors reach down inside themselves to create male characters and stories that come from their own inner selves.
    No more than Mr Spock is based on little green aliens is yaoi based on gay men. The characters belong to the authors, the female fans (and some asshole men like me) and to the genre itself, no one else.
    It disgusts me to see gay men choose to be offended and make a pointed effort to erode the self confidence of women who enjoy the BL genre.
    Once I thought it all the way through, the truth was easy to see, a truth that is easily understood. I hope the women who love the BL genre will take this to heart and defend yourselves against the ridiculous accusation that "fujoshis" are "fetishing gay men." That is not true.

    Quicksilver February 4, 2021 9:09 pm
    I have nothing wrong with explicit scenes, i read yaoi too idiot. “Bl, Yaoi is not about gay men” literally shut up. The genre is about fetishizing gay men to appeal to straight women, right? It has everyth... spacedaddy

    wanna see the ugly truth and consequences or rl rape? Go elsewhere. You won't find it here. Go watch Law and Order Special Victims Unit. This genre is about romance. No one wants to read the depressing shit of RL here. The idea is to escape reality for a while. Romanticizing rape LOL what a ridiculous notion. Go read some true crime garbage. Don't demand it here. Visit and gay and lesbian bookstore. You'll find shelves packed with the RL depressing as hell grisly details. If that's your kink, go find it elsewhere.
    For at least 20 years, Yaoi and BL have been the same genre. You think you're going to change that, re-define it? Don't make me laugh.
    No one is fetishizing you or me. You are not what this genre is all about. That should be good news to you.

    Quicksilver February 5, 2021 2:15 am
    I have nothing wrong with explicit scenes, i read yaoi too idiot. “Bl, Yaoi is not about gay men” literally shut up. The genre is about fetishizing gay men to appeal to straight women, right? It has everyth... spacedaddy

    Okay, I can empathize with anyone who is feeling pain. I respectfully acknowledge that. My question is how does women reading BL/Yaoi specifically affect you? If you had never heard of this genre, you wouldn't be bothered. It has so little to do with the life of a gay man that if you forgot it existed, you'd never feel any lack, gain, persecution, or oppression. Yaoi/BL and the the lives of gay men exist in two different worlds. The two need never touch unless you want to borrow trouble and invite pain.

    A fetish is a specific thing, formed usually early in life. Shoes, for instance. To turn that word into a very insulting label and apply it to women seems abusive to me. The world of yaoi is an integral part of life for many, and they're the ones who won't be able to escape being affected by accusations aimed at them because it's done by people invading their own space, whereas you have a choice whether or not to be offended. I can't help but sympathize with them. I know they struggle to maintain their dignity and self confidence, and I don't like seeing these people so harshly judged and accused by a group who really isn't affected or involved. I'd like you to spell out what your purpose is. what's your goal in coming here and beating up these women? I can't see it doing anything by causing these people to feel bad about liking this genre. That's right, isn't it?

    To me it sounds like you're saying, "I am so idolized that I'm constantly being worshipped, not only by the people around me but the content on this website artists and it’s users." To me, it sounds like ego talking.

    miki February 8, 2021 1:31 am
    you could read this on my home page, but I will take the trouble to enlighten you right now. Here's where I stand on Yaoi/BL: For the most part, it's written by women for women . Are those women out running al... Quicksilver

    Dude! applause. you totally worked it out. thanks for explaining this. many will benefit

uhh December 16, 2020 3:18 am

can we appreciate how mangago has looked the same for like 5+ years and yet the format still works really well and there's a community still updating manga and discussing topics omg

    PeFe December 16, 2020 3:43 am

    Let’s all be silence For Appreciation. ㄟ˙U˙ㄏ

    Mia December 16, 2020 5:46 am


uhh December 10, 2020 6:21 pm

do you guys know any webotons like "Save me" with a HUGE plot twist that has you like "HOLY SHIT"

uhh December 8, 2020 4:12 am

comedy shounen ai with like relationships that develop over time? like Sign or Never Understand

uhh November 20, 2020 1:38 am

its so satisfying to read a manga where theres actual romance between the guys and not just some justified forced sex because of blackmailing or money owing or something

    Juha_ni_Doyoon November 20, 2020 5:33 am

    Also couples who actually talk after the conflict and not pop out their dicks

uhh November 16, 2020 6:28 pm

ok this might be oddly specific but do u guys have any college student manga with height differences?

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