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animekjpop created a topic of Shota Oni
animekjpop followed question about make friend from this site

Throw them ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

02 04,2024

what did I just read oh my god
it's a bit funny tho ?
like it's so bad that it's actually kinda funny

animekjpop created a topic of You Are My Angela

in the beginning black haired girl sad that the other one was light and not very human like, but at the end she said she was heavy, basically meaning with the loss of her wings she is becoming more human

animekjpop created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

this (the comment section) is not how I expected to hear that the last chapter is coming out next month how did y'all find out????

animekjpop created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

"They were all there from the start.
The "youngest child" Phosphophyllite was never alone."

animekjpop followed a list
08 02,2024