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Sofia created a topic of Taram Taram Taram

Yo someone tell me this has a novel or something i really want to read it

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bitches really b delusional. Like stop fighting me on why Idol A is 100 in a relationship with Idol B. Last time i check, you ain't step foot outside to even see what a real friendship is like. Ofc there will be instances where you'll be like "thats a lil sussy if i do say so myself", but like, bffr. It's the entertainment industry, they are gonna ......
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we got ourselves a little chatterbox
Sofia like photo (from smut)
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might as well post the whole 1st page of popular bl manga!! but for me personally pearl boy like I was interested in the beginning but now.....................I man the story dragged and dragged like wtf bro???? also night song sucks balls like the art is so good only for a typical rapist top...........................
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ewww!!a pedophile is talking!
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Actual talented people drawing beautiful art Meanwhile me