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Denny's experience ( All 0 )

Denny's answer ( All 4 )

Denny 04 09,2020
Thanks I will   reply
04 09,2020
I had pizza today, I had grapes today, I had water today   5 reply
04 09,2020
Denny 04 09,2020
Damn why your questions/activities so rough   reply
04 09,2020
Denny 04 09,2020
First of all It’s fiction and second of all you prob the type to want to marry anime characters and then trash talk about bad characters bc you think your at the good side and third of all people like you are the reason why fandoms are toxic You do be trash talking about people taste and asking what’s wrong with them then go being mental ill da......   2 reply
04 09,2020

Denny's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

Pretty when you're looking up like that
Pray but Heaven won't let you back
Good on your knees

1 hours
did stuck my cock in a blender


1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

what could he do? should have been a rockstar; but he didn't have the money for a guitar

8 hours