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i ugly sobbed during the chapter when she waited to blow her birthday candles cuz she wanted her parents to be there… my girl deserves more than just 21 birthdays (TдT)

“perri needs to mind her own business”

ummm… no?
this is absolutely her business. keeping her in the dark about the mother of the child she is RAISING? and what could be more suspicious than the fact that it looks like the family wronged a woman who was once married into the family? how do yall think that makes perri feel as someone also married to the family?

ines has come so far and i’m so proud of her i love how this story isn’t just about romance. it’s about growth and realization.
i also love how the story slowly reveals things she didn’t notice in the past that she’s starting to notice now. she wasn’t able to see them before cuz she had so much mental and emotional blockade. her realizing now shows that she’s truly healing

such a shitty ml but man this story hurts so good

chrollo pls run me over created a topic of Jinx

either dan quit or something serious happened to grandma. i think it’s abt grandma cuz if he quit, he would’ve had to directly talk to jaekyung ig?

hestia’s mental health is not talked about enough. she’s clearly so frail in the head and i feel like the manhwa just kind of brushes it off lightly.
NOVEL SPOILERS (long rant ahead lol)

like she even tried to unalive herself at some point???? she reasoned that she wasn’t exactly trying to k!ll herself and that she just wanted to see if she could go back to her own world. but she was talking about how she had no reason to live in this world other than to help kael, and i’m like… isn’t that still suicide?? she had so many anxieties mixed in with this decision too. my girl needs a therapist asap. i don’t think hestia herself recognizes how much she’s struggling.
but fortunately, kael was able to see that. he desperately wanted her to focus on being with him rather than the revenge. which then led him to kinda force himself on her. this chapter was such a hard read btw. big yikes moment for kael. hestia was full on crying that it hurt cuz he put it in without foreplay but she was like ‘this is ok bc it’s kael’ uhmmm… ok. anyways. tell me i’m not the only one who felt uncomfortable reading this chapter