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EternalDreamer July 9, 2017 7:17 pm

I'd be extremly grateful if someone helped me find this manga...It's driving me crazy...
It's a Gintama dj by Harada where Gintoki locks up Hijikata in one room. He constantly violates him until Hijikata develops Stockholm syndrome for him. (I'm pretty sure that anyone who's read it remembers's hard to forget really xD )
I searched for it here and on MyReadingManga, but either i'm blind or it magically vanished...
Thanks in advance! :)

    moan July 9, 2017 7:20 pm

    my apologies but i'm following (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    EternalDreamer July 9, 2017 7:28 pm this one? blah

    Thank you!! Now i feel like an idiot for asking since it's been there all along, but i somehow missed it (I'm blind, it's confirmed) ... Thank you very much again :)

    blah July 9, 2017 7:33 pm
    Yes...YES! Thank you!! Now i feel like an idiot for asking since it's been there all along, but i somehow missed it (I'm blind, it's confirmed) ... Thank you very much again :) EternalDreamer

    You most welcome ヾ(☆▽☆)

    moan July 9, 2017 7:43 pm

    Omg, i can't handle it till the twentieth day. How did you get yourself to reread this? xD

    blah July 9, 2017 7:54 pm
    Omg, i can't handle it till the twentieth day. How did you get yourself to reread this? xD moan

    Idk? I have read it so many times that I am used to it. I thought you were the kind of person who would read these kind of thing a lot. Well the most disturbing manga I read was about a baby put in the blender... I still didn't got over it ( ̄へ ̄)

    moan July 9, 2017 8:08 pm
    Idk? I have read it so many times that I am used to it. I thought you were the kind of person who would read these kind of thing a lot. Well the most disturbing manga I read was about a baby put in the blender.... blah

    I legit finally finished it, and hell I'm proud! It really did portray Stockholm syndrome pretty well, no doubt. However, there is so many messed up shit that was happening in the following days. He was kept in for THREE MONTHS; that is fucking hell. I have no idea if I should sympathize the dude because I mean.. in result of the torture, sex and rape, he was attracted for Gintoki. Personally, I would read these types of mangas but [not] this fuuucked up. I have seen a kid got his dick chopped off while being raped and an infant also being raped by a babysitter. Harada's work is, by far, still something I'm not used to but it's definitely not surprising when things get horribly dark, haha.

    Oh, a baby put in a blender? PLEASE DO LINK ME TO THAT ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    blah July 9, 2017 8:24 pm
    I legit finally finished it, and hell I'm proud! It really did portray Stockholm syndrome pretty well, no doubt. However, there is so many messed up shit that was happening in the following days. He was kept in... moan

    I am pretty proud of my self for reading so many Harada's works. I think I read this dj when I was kinda new to yaoi? It really made me gag that time and well I got used to all these dark stuff because of Harada but I always have one question in my mind, WHY DOES Harada hate Hijikata so much??? Well I guess we will never know...
    Oh and btw here is a cute video I found for us to cheer up:

    yadi (^¬^)/ July 9, 2017 9:47 pm

    the baby in the blender is not yaoi is ero guro but is the worst thing ever i seriously dont recomend it
    blah why did you have to make me remember that? ╥﹏╥
    btw the manga its called Mai-chan's Daily Life but is better if you dont read it

    blah July 10, 2017 11:00 am
    the baby in the blender is not yaoi is ero guro but is the worst thing ever i seriously dont recomend it blah why did you have to make me remember that? ╥﹏╥btw the manga its called Mai-chan's Daily Life b... yadi (^¬^)/

    Gomen nasai!! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    yadi (^¬^)/ July 10, 2017 1:35 pm
    Gomen nasai!! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) blah

    ha ha its ok

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