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leena created a topic of Love in Orbit

him saying thats he's gonna return things to how they were after mentioning the price money makes me think he will get rid of it somehow. and that's why he wants support from sihwa and gabin, because it's a hard choice to make. especially for someone as broke as he was/is.

also, "my favorite person in the universe"??? i'm dead. let my boys be happy pls.

leena created a topic of Perfect Buddy

HOW does he even live a normal life going around with that 3rd leg. my man right there being a tripod.
Also, the whole guilttripping Seo into more ??? Like I know he will stop if Seo means it, but ?? idk gave me the ick

Will Inés ever tell Cárcel what she went through in her previous lives? I'm sure he will believe her and contain her if she does.
Also, I feel like she finally gave up trying to get Cárcel to cheat on her (not that it will ever happen lol), but I wonder if she will start to show her affection more?

leena created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I love this story so much, it is so lovely and lighthearted, while also being a good plot. I needed a BL like this among all the toxic BLs out there.
Anyone knows when the 2nd season will come out or it hasnt been announced yet?

leena created a topic of Perfect Buddy

The spoilers made it look like Hyunsoo was gonna be completely helpless, but I'm so glad he was the angry kitty he usually is!! My baby!!
(Of course, I'm still hoping Youngchan bets tf out of that mf. Not a bone intact)

leena created a topic of Lady Crystal is a Man

To the uploader of the official version, a huge thanks! They are truly working fast, they'll catch up with the chapters in no time!
I wish them the best of years!

leena created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I think it would nice (while a luttle obvious) if the baby ends up being named "Seonhee/Sunny". It fits the story so much and she is so cute!