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bakugotchi July 10, 2021 1:39 am

I don’t get why some people don’t like haesol TO ME she seems like the sort of person that isn’t really affectionate, like she speaks her mind but she doesn’t seem like she’d confess her love easily I think because she speaks her mind and is honest she’d rather wait until she’s sure of something before speaking on it

    BrokenEchoes July 10, 2021 8:21 pm

    Right? I wish there were more female leads and love interests like her in general, not just in webtoons. Not all women are feminine and open about their feelings.

    Anonymous July 11, 2021 8:04 am

    I think she's okay but she just doesn't say the things that need to be said. It's fine that she's quite silent but she actually doesn't say everything on her mind. For example, we don't really know the reason why she wants to hide their relationship(I'm sure it's for his sake) but Yeonwoo doesn't know and is being very harsh on himself. I'm pretty sure she has some kind of feelings toward him because of she didn't she would agree to go out with him but she just needs to realise that there are some things that really need to be expressed.

    BrokenEchoes July 11, 2021 8:19 pm
    I think she's okay but she just doesn't say the things that need to be said. It's fine that she's quite silent but she actually doesn't say everything on her mind. For example, we don't really know the reason w... Anonymous

    She's a girl/young woman, not a mind reader. She's not going to know exactly how Yeonwoo is feeling all the time. And it's not like she's always ignoring him. Even her friend noticed she treats him a little different. She probably knows that other people would give Yeonwoo a hard time if they found out about their relationship.

    Anonymous July 12, 2021 7:34 am
    She's a girl/young woman, not a mind reader. She's not going to know exactly how Yeonwoo is feeling all the time. And it's not like she's always ignoring him. Even her friend noticed she treats him a little dif... BrokenEchoes

    I didn't say she's a mind reader. I said she needs to say what's on HER mind, that doesn't take any mind-reading abilities. I also said that her hiding the relationship was probably for his sake since it wod fit her personality. I don't really think you get what I mean. I'm saying that I don't like what Haesol is doing right now because I have no idea of why she's ignoring him and she won't tell him.

    BrokenEchoes July 12, 2021 1:20 pm
    I didn't say she's a mind reader. I said she needs to say what's on HER mind, that doesn't take any mind-reading abilities. I also said that her hiding the relationship was probably for his sake since it wod fi... Anonymous

    Maybe she thinks it's obvious why they should keep their relationship a secret, considering his extreme anxiety, and doesn't feel like she needs to say anything?

    And she doesn't ignore him. She notices when he's not feeling great but isn't always able to understand why, which is more realistic?

    Either way, I'm not here to convince anyone to like a character they don't want to like. I just think it's sad that people expect her to be a certain way just because she's a girl. If she were a boy, people would think she was cool and mysterious

    Anonymous July 13, 2021 7:39 am
    Maybe she thinks it's obvious why they should keep their relationship a secret, considering his extreme anxiety, and doesn't feel like she needs to say anything? And she doesn't ignore him. She notices when he'... BrokenEchoes

    Maybe other people would think so, but not I. Although she is actually cool and mysterious, that's literally her character. When I said ignoring, I was talking about the ways she didn't text him.

bakugotchi June 14, 2021 11:46 am

It’s been about 5 months since the ending I guess we’re not getting any side stories? Was looking forward to seeing some loose ends get tied up :p

    shelby December 31, 2023 1:41 am

    still waiting in 2023 ㅠㅡㅠ

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