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I was reading some books and this MF update out of nowhere with this Hot smexy timeeeee...
They're so into it, I read this in Vietnamese web before, but I can't understand what they're saying at all...

retsu created a topic of To deny the route

I would avoid the incest route like it's a disease just like how Jerry avoid it. That's crazy mannnn, his brothers are cute and kind, but it different if they're thinking about anything but "that" love.
With the way Karyan keep touching Jerry with his hand like that, i kinda expect Ilya will run amok at the festival hahahahahh...

retsu created a topic of Into The Blue Water

I'm glad uke already make peace with his past self, so his current mind can work normally. From this alone, I know seme has chance to be with his love as uke already accept him down in his heart. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

retsu created a topic of Our Tyrant Became Young

Those MFs gonna get whatever it is they're aiming for, Perry's anger ahahahahahahhh

Yeon, my kid met with my husbu ahhahahahhh

The long waited reunion ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

retsu created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

I won't read this if So-un is not this kind of funny MC, he made everything like a light problems, so as a reader, I'm not feeling choked by his suffering.

retsu created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

He is just a normal getting dragged on beast family's feud. I don't know why Hakugin being that obsessed with his bro's bride, is there no more pretty human beside Yurito (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

GR you sneak, you want Minchan all to yourself. Welp... I'll allow that since you're so Hot hahahahahhh, but too bad...

retsu created a topic of To deny the route

That boy already head over heels since they're baby, and crown prince need a wife to prolonged the blood line hahahaha

retsu created a topic of Our Tyrant Became Young

Good things MC knew when shady guys are trying to get near her, she just use them to her own benefits without remorse since they're trying to do the same. It's cute how perry just realized his feeling for LIPI...
MC really funny too...

Neither of them ever confessed, so... Uke not wrong for questioning it.

retsu created a topic of PASSION

It's gonna be hotter in the next chapter, but honestly I pity my baby Tay, he doesn't enjoy it at all, but Ilay never act like human in the begin with. Everyone except for his bro, Rita and uncle chang look vague for him 'til he met Tay. Bro falling in love, and falling even harder now.

So there's the reason why Lee Gang took so long to meet his kid, he go alone by foot. The villain seems too hot to be an evil dead meat hehe


How shameless that girl is, minchan should just let them die there then sacrificing his hand for saving ungrateful bitch like that.

I really want to hug Minchan, he gone through a lot.

Jinsoo never good with words, that's why he always drag into many troubles, but mannnn...
Jina will be dead if not distance herself from Maythan, Carsen and CP are not in their right mind. He might explain everything to Rosie since she is smart and calm, then she'll explain what she heard to everybody else. I hope his sister (in that world) save him from all the trouble.

retsu created a topic of Define The Relationship

I'm so happy for them...

retsu created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

How come you obsessed over your younger bro's wife... oMG

How to send slaps online? I need it to slap some logic to Hakugin.

retsu created a topic of PASSION

Ilay must be holding back too much as Tay not in a good condition, but Tay being stupidly adorable and sexy is... Ugh...

I just read TotCF, now I know why I really like him, Cale and Soeho (forgot the current name) are so much alike, beautiful villain faces hahahahahhh

The way I gasp when Yuriel kissed Rosie ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Thanks Maythan for the sacrifice! I feel bad for you, but at least the girls getting closer to a proper relationship hahahahhaahhhh