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lulali May 12, 2024 11:34 pm

Hi so I just got a bit spoiled from a panel I saw. It was from the last chapter and it worried me some. Is there emotional manipulation involved in the relationship? Idk just from what I saw of the panel from the last chapter it almost seemed like he had tricked him into falling in love with him. But yeah I love this author and would love to give it a chance but that just concerns me some. Tysm if you can answer!

    Ohmyhuehue May 12, 2024 11:59 pm

    Well, yeah. But just like the cover, there's a lot of other red flags here that i also eat up lol

    asmiir_ May 13, 2024 12:06 am


    He caused the MC to return to this gangster life he ran away from him.. he also got him involved with the rival gang that kidnapped him in the beginning.. then he saved from this mess with a contact in place that’ll tie the MC to him

    He feels that one of the only ways Hamin will willingly involve himself with the ML is through protection lol

    The only time he felt regret or remorse is when he saw Hamin take the knife out for him.. he didn’t expect it and thought his love for him was superficial

    Yaoifandom May 13, 2024 12:11 am
    Well, yeah. But just like the cover, there's a lot of other red flags here that i also eat up lol Ohmyhuehue

    The flags are way beyond red. I believe it's black at this point

    lulali May 13, 2024 12:12 am
    Yes He caused the MC to return to this gangster life he ran away from him.. he also got him involved with the rival gang that kidnapped him in the beginning.. then he saved from this mess with a contact in pla... asmiir_

    Ah, I figured something like that. I guess what I mean… hmm idk like yeah maybe he pushed the odds in his favor and is an awa, but I guess like, is there any big thing based on a lie here? Like is he lying and tricking him to fall in love with them and there relationship is based on a lie?

    lulali May 13, 2024 12:14 am
    The flags are way beyond red. I believe it's black at this point Yaoifandom

    Oof okay then

    asmiir_ May 13, 2024 12:16 am
    Ah, I figured something like that. I guess what I mean… hmm idk like yeah maybe he pushed the odds in his favor and is an awa, but I guess like, is there any big thing based on a lie here? Like is he lying an... lulali

    No, he knows Hamin is interested in him as well but since he believed him to a seeker of normalcy he would never wind up with a gangster so that’s why he concocted this entire plot but no it’s based on lies.. he’s genuinely and passionately obsessed with him but can’t want pure things with Hamin because of his nature and dealings inside the gang and his past as an orphan

    asmiir_ May 13, 2024 12:17 am
    The flags are way beyond red. I believe it's black at this point Yaoifandom

    Crimson red really.. black would be if he had offed one of his friends or kidnapped him

    Sehyuk largely listens to Hamin on most things besides his protection and sex

    Ohmyhuehue May 13, 2024 11:46 am
    The flags are way beyond red. I believe it's black at this point Yaoifandom

    Not yet! He still lets hamin have friends lmfaoooooo

    Ohmyhuehue May 13, 2024 11:51 am
    Crimson red really.. black would be if he had offed one of his friends or kidnapped him Sehyuk largely listens to Hamin on most things besides his protection and sex asmiir_

    If only i could like replies

lulali May 22, 2021 4:16 pm

Why does everyone in this world have a horrible sense of fashion and never go to the doctor or dentist?

lulali's questions ( All 2 )

lulali November 18, 2023 1:57 am

Was really messed up but really good. Anyway, two childhood friends. They’re in love. I can’t remember if they’re in a relationship or not, but one guy brings a lesbian coworker home to visit his parents and pretend they’re in a relationship. They bang, she gets pregnant and he has to marry her. He and his friend are distant for years. The friend sees the wife when she’s on her death bed, and she admits she resented him/was scared of him taking her husband away. Wife dies, they eventually get together again.
The love interest dies in the end, but I’m pretty sure they lived a long, happy life together so I wasn’t super upset by it. Then some years pass and the remaining guy dies and they’re kids in the afterlife or a flashback together.
Kid also has a gay friend and they had a brief romance together but ultimately remained just friends. Kid got married and had a kid of his own when he grew up.

    YAOI__GIRL November 18, 2023 3:05 am

    Bro just reading that got me frustrated

    Gaarmeri November 18, 2023 3:18 am
    Bro just reading that got me frustrated YAOI__GIRL

    Like when you are glad the trailer gave all the story away because you are NOT watching that shit.

    YAOI__GIRL November 18, 2023 3:46 am
    Like when you are glad the trailer gave all the story away because you are NOT watching that shit. Gaarmeri


    lulali November 18, 2023 12:39 pm

    Found it through advanced search on Baka Updates. It’s called Complex. I actually really recommend it if you’re okay with sitting through some angst. The death is at the end, really short, and iirc it’s after a long life of happiness together.

lulali August 28, 2020 2:54 am

Sotries where the main couple is straight and the secondary couple is gay. Or the other way around.
And when i say secondary i mean like their own plot line like with Jazz for two with that Doyoon guy and the other dude. That big.

    mushroom cloud August 28, 2020 2:46 am

    Unstoppable Siblings. One of the side couples is lesbian.

    Kyatto August 28, 2020 8:50 am

    I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for but, ML is in a straight relationship rn and there is a whole story about him and his male ex as well.

    Kyatto August 28, 2020 8:51 am
    I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for but, ML is in a straight relationship rn and there is a whole story about him and his male ex as well. Kyatto

    Also there is are gay characters on the side, but I don’t know if they turned out to be a couple.

    niki August 30, 2020 12:40 am

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