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Kanrakui created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

not me kicking my legs in bed. CUTE

Kanrakui created a topic of Saturday's Master

boys will be boys? BOYS WILL BE BOYS??? ima kill this bitch

Kanrakui created a topic of Onward

Is it just me, or is the art style super inconsistent? Honestly, the reason I started reading this was because I saw an ad off Instagram and added it to my list because I thought Sion was absolutely gorgeous.. and though I stayed for the story in the end, it's kind of disappointing that Sion's character looks more not like himself and a little wonky at times.

Kanrakui created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

If anyone's wondering what game this is based on its Maplestory lmao

Kanrakui created a topic of Limited Run

let us bathe in the mud of coitus... oh yeah... that's hot

Kanrakui created a topic of Limited Run

I feel like I'm reading Shakespeare...

Kanrakui created a topic of Red Mansion

patiently waiting for the brothers to show up... idk if they do, but it'll be interesting

i wish they would've dragged this angst on a little longer he should've ran away or tried to leave.. making the ml chase after him.. but okay.. also are we just gonna ignore the chick who kissed him on the cheek? like WHO IS THAT? this story is so garbage but i keep coming back every update just to know wtf is happening

Kanrakui created a topic of Gig of the Day
Kanrakui created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

I think people need to reevaluate their knowledge on yaoi/BL lmao.. i've been reading yaoi for the last 15 years and the amount of dubious consent/non-con that has been in stories has been around forever and probably not going anywhere anytime soon.. some people like it, some don't, some don't really care.. but don't get surprised when it happens because you'll probably come across it in more than half the stories you'll read... just saying.

is it weird i wish there was more angst. (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻

Kanrakui created a topic of One Summer Day
Kanrakui created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

so... maybe i'm speculating, but there's one panel while they're doing the deed where it seems a little like film grainy?? and the angle changed drastically and colours changed a little bit. so, i'm just guessing that someone filmed it and that's the tip that old fuckface is talking about... WELP. can't wait to see if i was right when it comes out

Kanrakui created a topic of High Pulse


Kanrakui created a topic of Mata Kimi ni Koi o Suru

uke: "get off me"
uke: (next day) "why doesn't he make a move?

gotta love older yaois