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S-J-M created a topic of The Fox's Thief Marriage

Lol not the people in the comments breaking their backs bending over backwards to make excuses for this shit ass ML. He's an unredeemable piece of shit in my eyes. He treats his son like shit, treats the fox like shit, gets mad and shouts at him for misunderstanding things and accuses him of being a slut, player, wanting to run away, at literally every turn. Won't even say "I like you" not to mention wants to ditch his son to fuck the fox constantly. It's disgusting and makes me so uncomfortable. I want the poor fox and the kod to be happy, can ML die and leave them everything?? Ugh.

S-J-M created a topic of Dreadful Night

I don't think Bada is an "npc", I don't think any of the main characters are, but that's just me. Maybe it's sort of a situation where they were playing a VR game and got stuck? And they don't remember that somehow.

S-J-M created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I love Garam, he's a boss ass bottom (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ More bottoms like him, less like doc Dan ;-;

S-J-M created a topic of Dead or alive

No one wants you here Zee, fuck off you attention seeker. For those who don't understand: We have uploaders with good translations. Zee wants attention and uploads bad uploads with no or little content multiple times a day. Basically a troll. If we lose Zee we only lose trash. Your uploads will come if Zee doesn't harass the real uploaders too much.

S-J-M created a topic of Single Not Ready to Mingle

This comic can't really seem to decide on a clear genre or plot. I'm okay with the nonsense sexy hijinks (even if anything with the mage makes me want to violently vomit) but interjecting the weirdly serious elf chick and dad and the mystery of the hero isn't really being done the best way. Idk just my opinion, I'm still here reading lol

S-J-M created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Spoilers (because I looked them up too, lol) I won't say what happens but I will say if he dies or not. If you want to know but don't want to otherwise be spoiled click! Don't drop before finding out though because I think it's actually a truth telling moment!
Thankfully he doesn't die!!

S-J-M created a topic of The Tyrant's Annals

I'm amused at how within two chapters there's some people who like blondie now lol I was jumped on for saying I felt his obsessive love more than I felt anything with San and Myeon because they thought I meant San should be with blondie. No I'm saying his character had more depth and his motives showed it. Not the first time I've liked a trashy character and it won't be the last. I would have genuinely been okay with blondie dying for what he did though so this ending is just as weak and soft as the rest the story honestly. Love this author and artist but yeah this one was lackluster.

S-J-M created a topic of The Servant / Employer

Why tf are people saying he's becoming his dad?! Wtf has the son done to be like his dad?? Try and protect them both from going to jail?! He clearly loves Yeonho and hasn't been mean to him just withheld the marriage plans at first. His haircut makes him look like his dad tho. That's all lol

S-J-M created a topic of Dead or alive

Everyone bitching about us being mean can suck their dad's dick. We got like five notifications EACH DAY for that Zee idiot to upload one page at a time when we ALREADY HAD a translator/uploader. Zee WAS NOT NEEDED so y'all pretending we should be grateful for USELESS uploads can fuck off. It could have made the real uploaders stop. Thankfully proper chapters are being uploaded now. (Should have seen the fiasco when Bloody Lies didn't have an official and people were rude as shit. In that case there wasn't another uploader or translator that's NOT the case here.)

S-J-M created a topic of Saturday's Master

Finally some positive development!

S-J-M created a topic of When the Magpie Comes

I'm actually getting sick of this one :/ It's going nowhere and nothing is happening. There's not a clear reason why Sabin isn't just doing what he came to do. Dohan sure as hell hasn't done anything but be dumb and easy to bed, so I'm not feeling Sabin catching feelings either. I still can't forgive the random non/dubcon by the magpie yet he's the only character I like and I don't like that lol

S-J-M created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

People keep taking "parental figure" way out of context to gross themselves out. There's nothing gross about crushing on an adult when you're an adult. He didn't raise him, he taught him how to move and blink, gave him encouragement, I guess they could have said mentor but no ick involved in it for me. That sort of an attachment growing into something more when you're dependent on someone for validation clearly turned into an obsession for him and being on earth made him realize his desires were for something else I think.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

S-J-M created a topic of Wolf In The House

This artist is so damn amazing. I fell for their minimalist use of color to accent things in Momentum. The way it's used for the werewolf eyes too so striking

S-J-M created a topic of The Servant / Employer

Okay but the son needs to change his hair STAT because he looks just like his dad now
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Finally that annoying POS detective is gone. People still crying about him doing his job when his job was to put a victim in jail for killing a pedo who raped him for years. That murder was justice but it wasn't lawful. Maybe now they can start healing.

S-J-M created a topic of Steel Under Silk

He'd better not hurt this puppy prostitute boy ╥﹏╥

S-J-M created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

That bracelet is a common day collar for kinky peeps so he definitely did his research! I love that he loves him enough to do that and get him something specific to his interests and tastes (▰˘◡˘▰)

S-J-M created a topic of Thirst
S-J-M created a topic of Payback

baby it's a good crying (▰˘◡˘▰) wholesome AF chapter

S-J-M created a topic of My Suha

I'm so done with the DH apologists lmfao Siwoo deserves better, and DH is an abusive, controlling, absolutely pathetic person. I'm so glad this is almost over. Redemption would have been nice but I also feel it's somewhat realistic that without REAL mental health help this is what happens. If you're a shitty person who then gets used the way you used others surprise! You get more trauma, not suddenly understand how bad you were and get redeemed I guess?

S-J-M created a topic of Dreadful Night

I bet there's an ending where they all survive and they have to get that. But I'm still suspicious of Mr Obsessive Sociopath lol