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Simp's experience ( All 0 )

Simp's answer ( All 4 )

Simp 31 01,2024
Bro if ur friend like 4 ppl then they aren't serious crushes. They just find them attractive. She would back off if you said u tell her how u feel and how u plan to pursue him seriously.   reply
31 01,2024
Just report to their school/job and tell them they those boys are admitting to be n30 n*z1s SS is a trap set up my 4chan so basically, all those boys are setting themselves up   1 reply
18 03,2021
Simp 13 02,2021
Uhh do these fit them?   reply
13 02,2021
7,10,16 16 hits way too close   1 reply
04 01,2021

Simp's question ( All 3 )

Simp 13 02,2021
Hi guys can you drop some duo photo references or clothing references so I could use it for Mitsukou fanart I wanna make ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I would drop my art account but I dont think that's smart lol
13 02,2021
Simp 04 01,2021
How do yall feel about calling
Yaoi: nsfw BL
Shounen ai: BL
Because I feel like we should normalize this in order to get those p3d0phil1c terms outta here.
04 01,2021
I had an argument on tik tok and basically I said the sexualizing minors is wrong fictional or not. Then they brought up the "but you watch dark themes so you shouldnt be talking" but the video got taken down so I couldnt refute. What do yall stand in this argument and why?
I can give more context if yall want, like which animes they thought were just as bad as loli hanime
27 12,2020

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

being in a codependent wlw relationship is NAWT for the weak guys.

5 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

was one of those ppl who said "i will never experience that first wlw heartbreak" LMAO guess who's suffering now

10 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

lmao im hated by all her friends

14 hours