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anonienonie March 9, 2021 5:14 am

Ahh~ after reading the comments I thought I was going to be in for a sad ride, but personally, it wasn't that bad at all! They found acceptance and happiness together, and whilst it wasn't for as long as most people probably wanted, they still had a happy ending which makes me glad.

anonienonie March 5, 2021 9:13 am

Guh, I love how much Haru loves rimming ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

anonienonie March 2, 2021 8:42 am

"Don't worry, I won't tell."

"Don't tell anyone, please! I'll do anything!'

"Like I said, I'm not gonna threaten you--"


"... sure, ok."

anonienonie March 2, 2021 3:49 am

This was nice. A lot of manga just glaze over the horrific shit that happened in yukaku areas like Yoshiwara ie the rape, human trafficking, and indentured servitude that many yujo and kagema had to endure. Whilst I do think the pacing could have been better, I'm quite pleased with the endings. Aoi got his deserved end, Sakura and Nadeshiko are happy, and Kogiku is living his dream. It's quite realistic all in all.

anonienonie March 2, 2021 1:11 am

Lmao. People losing their shit at the bitch comment, when only a chapter ago, Yukio called Aoi a slut. Lol.

Anyway, I feel bad for Yukio. Can you imagine having to go through life second guessing everyone and everything they do or say? Having your work and effort belittled and chalked up to just "being a wolf." His words are harsh, yes, but there's a valid reason why he has to have a wall around himself. For people with such trust issues, actions tend be better than words since lies can so easily be spun. In that moment, there was absolutely nothing Aoi could have said that would have convinced Yukio he hasn't been replaced. Welp, let's see how they resolve this then (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

anonienonie February 26, 2021 5:27 pm

I'm so fucking disappointed. Imo this was actually good smut that had character development and showed how important consent is, as well as condom usage. This whole brother arc just made my blood boil, and I really hate how she doesn't remember any of it. The entire thing is treated as a joke.

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anonienonie February 25, 2021 5:45 pm

Regarding the ages, chapter 6 lays it all out.

Kainer was 20 when his sister attempted to kill him, Saye was 13. It's been 5 years since that assassination attempt-- Kainer is now 25 and Saye is 18.

    Bean February 25, 2021 6:15 pm

    i mean, it could be worse

    eosmaia February 25, 2021 6:21 pm

    I thought they were both young at that time wtf I wanna barf

    DoGyeom's Wife February 26, 2021 12:40 am
    I thought they were both young at that time wtf I wanna barf eosmaia

    i mean its not weird during the storys setting

anonienonie February 25, 2021 5:12 pm

Woah, this hit me like a ton of bricks. Trigger warning for child abuse and self harm.


I grew up with that kind of reasoning ie pain is a form of love. My father was often absent, and I was left with my stepmother. She would pull my hair, burn me with cigarettes, slap me, and would lock me in a dark, silent room for hours whilst she left to party/do drugs/sleep around. She made sure I didn't have friends and wouldn't have the opportunity to talk to anyone, so I didn't realise what she was doing was bad. She'd make sure the bruises and burns were healed by the time my dad got back, so he never noticed it. She always said that she was hurting me because she loved me, and that the more pain = the more love.

When I was 8, her nephew who witnessed the abuse finally spoke up and told my dad. He kicked her out, but me not understanding anything, I still wanted to be with her. We weren't related however, so I had to stay with my dad. We didn't have a good relationship though, since we never talked past courtesies, so I had to learn to understand and cope with what happened on my own. Being a kid, I definitely wasn't equipped to deal with it though. I ended up self harming for a long time, because it was ingrained that pain = love... Therefore me hurting myself was just an expression of self love. Hoo boy.

This father/professor disgusts me so much. And using BDSM as an excuse for his actions makes me livid since it's something near and dear to my heart. Fuck, he sickens me.

    yuhi_sama February 25, 2021 5:31 pm

    Damn i feel so bad for you your step mother deserves to go to hell i hope you feel better now if you ever need a friend or someone to talk dont hesitate

    Tatsu February 25, 2021 11:08 pm

    I hope you are doing okay now... sending you warm thoughts

    Queen Love February 26, 2021 3:28 am

    I understand what you mean, my father was/is abusive in many ways. The reason I say "is" because he may not use his fist anymore but the rest hasn't really changed.

    He would hit my brother and sister in front of me and have me watch. See my father was told he wouldn't be allowed to see me if he laid his hands on me. My mother saved me from the physical abuse but that didn't mean there wasn't a way.

    My abusive was mental and emotional. If i was being bullied it was my fault, self harm was just "wanting attention", being gay is a disgrace and me just being greedy, you should join a gym your fat, etc...

    This fear was instilled to the point that even though our relationship got a little better I still fear him deep down. He has apologized for some of the things said but it still doesn't take the pain away.

    I felt neglected in many ways on the outside it seem normal; he gave me toys, clothes, shoes, and made sure I had money. But what I didn't get was the love and support I needed. I can't even get along with those siblings, because in their words I don't know their pain. Pain is not only physical, pain and trauma goes deep down.

    It's can be very hard because even though I fear him, I still love him because he is my father and nothing will change that. IF YOU EVER NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO I'M HERE.

    anonienonie February 26, 2021 5:04 am
    I understand what you mean, my father was/is abusive in many ways. The reason I say "is" because he may not use his fist anymore but the rest hasn't really changed.He would hit my brother and sister in front of... Queen Love

    Thanks for sharing; I hope you're doing better as well. It's really sad to hear about your siblings thought process-- I truly hope one day your family can work through it. I think a lot of people glaze over the mental/emotional abuse neglect does to a person. My stepmother's physical abuse was horrible, I don't minimise that, but even more long lasting (and honestly what really fucked/fucks me over still) was the neglect and abandonment I felt with my dad.

    In many ways, my dad was just not meant to be a parent-- even after the abuse came to light, he never opened up or tried to get me to open up either. Our chats were curt, and even when I tried to engage more, he'd shut it down. After my stepmum, he left my care to the house help and we never forged a real parent-child relationship. I was well provided for materialistically, but never got the emotional support I needed as a growing child. It got to the point that I wanted to kill myself before he died so I could somehow "make him feel as bad as I felt". And then, he went up and suddenly died.

    I was 14, angry at everything, and yet he was still my only family. And he was gone. For the longest time after that, I blamed him for everything that went wrong in my life, and I thought I could never forgive him. As I grew older, I eventually understood what made him 'broken' and why he probably acted the way he did. It doesn't excuse the mental and emotional chaos he caused, and I'll never have the closure I desperately need; but I've come to accept that it is what it is-- that's just life, and my past does not need to be the driving force for my future. Not gonna lie though, it's really fucking hard not to let it eat me up inside.

    Anyway, thanks for all the well wishes. I try not to get all dark and depressive on mangago of all places, but the absolute nonchalance of the dad's abuse in the manga roused some bad memories. Keep safe everyone.

    Queen Love February 26, 2021 5:41 am
    Thanks for sharing; I hope you're doing better as well. It's really sad to hear about your siblings thought process-- I truly hope one day your family can work through it. I think a lot of people glaze over the... anonienonie

    My dad remarried and she's sweet and super religious, my mom knew about my sexuality but I never told my father's family. It threw me for a loop when my stepmom accepted everything about me but then I told him complete opposite.

    I mentioned this because my dad would constantly get mad if we mentioned the past around her. But I a couple years ago me and her talked, I think she noticed my hesitance around him.

    You see I've seen the way he talks to her, like she is dumb. And even though I wanna believe he'll never hurt her. She has been there for me almost more than him.

    I learned to fight that fear a little and told her even we were told not to. And I said to her "even though I believe he wouldn't hurt you I still think its safer for you to know. But right after I told her the fear came back and I begged her not to say anything or tell him I said anything.


    I enjoyed being able to just rant anonymously about this, because talking to my friends and doctors sometimes I feel pitied or not taken seriously so thank you so much.

anonienonie February 25, 2021 4:48 pm

Quite a realistic chapter, though I feel some cultural aspects are lost on some readers. Business cards in Japan are a huge fucking deal. It signifies the start of a (obvs usually business) relationship, but more than that, interest. Being careful with it and taking it home has implications, which is why I understand Kotaro's displeasure/jealousy. Also, openly hitting on a woman in public in Japan is out of the norm, which ruffles Kotaro's feathers. Even moreso with the implication that he might steal Asako away if Kotaro doesn't keep an eye on her. Asako is an adult and can technically can protect herself, yes. But bearing in mind her inexperience in love, this serves as a lesson to be more wary of men with questionable intentions.

    rbiv February 25, 2021 7:52 pm

    Careful not to drop your crown after dropping this holy comment

    Crazyanimegirl246 February 25, 2021 8:09 pm
    Careful not to drop your crown after dropping this holy comment rbiv


anonienonie February 24, 2021 1:18 am

Natsuki and Seno deserved each other imo-- neither of them were 'good' people. The way the seme acted before finding out the truth was honestly abhorrent, but the uke was just batshit insane. Uke's backstory is sad, yes, but the doesn't excuse his actions. At the end of the day, all's well that ends well, and the pair is happy. I'm just glad Hiro didn't get involved in their mess more than he already did.

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