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certified sex therapist's experience ( All 0 )

certified sex therapist's answer ( All 4 )

uh wow this sounds like something straight outta a wattpad but too much drama. and to answer your question, idk but mayb stop talking to those ppl? seems toxic as hell.   1 reply
15 09,2020
alriight good for u, buddy.   reply
23 08,2020

certified sex therapist's question ( All 1 )

umm so I’m currently homeless.. I’m sleeping in my car and I don’t know what to do?? I told my mom that I dropped out of school, and she didn’t believe me until my school contacted her so now my mom kicked me out. But honestly I need somewhere to poop and all the stores are closed so where do I go? I called my friend Ashley she said that she doesn’t want to deal with me and my gross ass. I called my other friend Linsey she laughed at me and said that I’m on my own. I called my boyfriend Dan but he broke up with me when he heard I was homeless and dropped out of school. All my other friends are either on vacation, busy, or pregnant. So like the only places I can think of now to stay over are my uncle’s or my weird friend. but idk my uncle looks like a rapist or serial killer. Or should I just chance it with my other friend? He’s kinda weird and his brother also tried to rape me once. So idk what to do. I just need somewhere to poop tbh. Any good places y’all recommend? Thanks!Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) really really urgent!!
07 08,2020

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