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Ey bie's feed

Ey bie created a topic of Sleeping Dead

Senseiiiiii I freaking hate youuuuuwhyyyy
I did not expect i was reading towards the endfcccckkk It was a dvmn rollercoaster of a ride.
I have a love and hate relationship with this work of sensei. It's 1:30 in the morning! I bawled my freakin eyes out like there's no tomorrow I knew this is how it's gonna end but i didn't know it'll be right NOW
Mamiya was a hateful character for me in the beginning, but tbh, life was too harsh on him. It did him sooo badly and to Sada-kun, thank you He brought different shades of colors in Mamiya's life even if for just a bit. Sensei, i still love u.