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Hmmmm did ( All 1 )

adopting cats

Hmmmm want to do ( All 1 )

tried to kill yourself

Hmmmm's experience ( All 0 )

Hmmmm's answer ( All 9 )

I want to kill myself I feel suffocated I always feel sad then sometimes I'm crying but most of the yime I feel lonely. When I told my mom about this she would said "you have a roof,warm food that I cooked everyday and a good school. How is that making you depressed? and stop being depressed your still young and your being so ungratefull right now"   reply
04 10,2020
Cute face I'm sorry;-; come to think of it my fetish is a cute shy masochist guy   reply
25 09,2020
Do heteromantic bisexual is part of the LGBTQ+ community? I know my romantic attraction is opposite of my gender but I can't help it being an heteromantic and I'm actually closeted about this   reply
10 09,2020
Maybe one day I will get married that is if I found my ideal boyfriend type but nahh I prefer education than marriage.   reply
10 09,2020
"You're so fat" I know that stfu because of this word I have body dysmorphia "Why can't you be like your cousin?" I know I'm not perfect why must you make me feel so insecured This 2 words really make me hate myself . I hate myself so much. If I'm an atheist I might've commit suicide.   reply
03 09,2020

Hmmmm's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

3 hours
did made a discord server


12 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

17 hours