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LightYagamiSimp's experience ( All 0 )

LightYagamiSimp's answer ( All 32 )

about love
05 07,2021
about question
If you really wanna build a friendship or more just tell him how you feel (that you’re not good with people) he will definitely understand and won’t feel sad if you leave him on read   reply
05 07,2021
Why y’all outside touching the grass??   3 reply
29 06,2021
Go into the shower or bathtub and let the water flow on your feet   reply
27 06,2021

LightYagamiSimp's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

We're such a mess together
You make me lose my temper

4 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves

6 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

“How about me?
Who already fell for you.
Did you really just let me go?”
Pano by Zack Tabudlo. His songs always hit hard.

8 hours