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DoseofYaoi February 29, 2020 4:28 am

Ahhh... so this is one of those where you leave logic on the front door. Don't think, just feel.... (I'm sorry I just couldn't help but go wtf in every page... I hope no one is as naive as puppy-kun in real life..)

DoseofYaoi February 25, 2020 1:54 pm

When you start looking forward to seeing the memes in bish god's credits page instead of the story. You know you've fallen in deep XDDD Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

DoseofYaoi February 14, 2020 1:10 pm

Holy crap Gyoon with that Moe Gap tho. Never thot he'd be such a cute character in bed. This side couple's dynamic is too adorable!!!

DoseofYaoi February 13, 2020 4:15 am

I feel like ginga could be both a bottom and a top. a bottom for Kouetsu~ It'd be nice to see a reversible position in a 3p setting :3

DoseofYaoi February 4, 2020 2:26 am

Man. the dumb Heejae is cute and the genius Heejae is also cuteeee!! Ugh I can't choose between them. Can he just retain both characteristics?

DoseofYaoi February 2, 2020 2:08 pm

Thank you for updating it for us for free. I really appreciate all your work. It still saddens me to know that there are still some (ungrateful) people out there who bash uploaders who take their own money and time to provide free chapters for being late with uploads when this is all to support the author's livelihood.

I wish you good health and thank you for recommending this series. I will now be supporting the author fully on tappytoon

DoseofYaoi January 29, 2020 4:15 pm

It's been 11 chapters and I don't think I've seen you utter more than 10 words.... WEN IS U GONNA MAKE A MOVE (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Brieeze January 30, 2020 8:13 pm

    Hes shy and awkward (<I bet) lol

DoseofYaoi January 27, 2020 3:40 pm

Just started reading this today. I am so glad that the mom left the scummy dad to protect her child. so many women find it hard to get out of abusive relationships due to physiological reasons. PROPS TO HER!! *CLAP CLAP CLAP*

Also, the plot has been wholesome so far, the first chapter was so angsty i was worried.

DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 3:38 pm

This is crazy wow. People who don't even pay anything to read the chapters uploaded for free are harping jist because of a few censored emojis. What a fked up world we live in.

    amimie January 22, 2020 3:40 pm

    It's not because it's censored but because the pages aren't in the right order...
    But even so, we shouldn't complain at all ^^'

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 3:43 pm

    It's sad to see how entitled people act around here. Imagine if they bring this attitude to the real world. *Shudders*

    amimie January 22, 2020 3:48 pm
    It's sad to see how entitled people act around here. Imagine if they bring this attitude to the real world. *Shudders* DoseofYaoi

    If they want quality, then they pay and complain all they want.
    They could ask more respectfully of a better version and thank the uploader for his efforts first.

    I don't think peolpe would dare act like this in real life... ^^'

    howdy pardner January 22, 2020 3:51 pm
    It's sad to see how entitled people act around here. Imagine if they bring this attitude to the real world. *Shudders* DoseofYaoi

    What’s wrong with expressing your opinion on something that clearly wasn’t done well? Would you not complain to a restaurant if your burger wasn’t cooked properly or if they made it wrong? There’s nothing wrong with asking for better.

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 3:52 pm

    Don't assume shit. Most of us pay when we can. We just do not pay to read a chapter, we pay to support the author. Like this we can support several at our humble level, and not only one.
    Plus, you are here as well.
    Stop playing saint okay. You are. Even worse than us complaining, you add hypocrisy to the whole shit, stop ridiculing yourself.

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 3:53 pm
    If they want quality, then they pay and complain all they want.They could ask more respectfully of a better version and thank the uploader for his efforts first.I don't think peolpe would dare act like this in ... amimie

    This. I couldn't agree more. Instead of asking nicely whether uploader-san could upload better scans or give comments on how to do so, they shit at the uploader for his/her job. Sometimes i even wonder whether it's worth it uploading things for free if people can't learn to be nice about it.

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 3:56 pm
    What’s wrong with expressing your opinion on something that clearly wasn’t done well? Would you not complain to a restaurant if your burger wasn’t cooked properly or if they made it wrong? There’s nothi... howdy pardner

    Are you getting your burger for free? Pretty sure that's not applicable in this case, try another analogy.

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 4:00 pm
    Don't assume shit. Most of us pay when we can. We just do not pay to read a chapter, we pay to support the author. Like this we can support several at our humble level, and not only one. Plus, you are here as w... ThingOfEvil

    ??So just because im expression an opinion, im a hypocrite now? Who's assuming shit now? Dude if it pains u to see comments like mine, it's obvious that your retaliating out of guilty conscience and ur trying to justify yourself. Just don't. Let it be bro. Not everyrhing's about you.

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:03 pm
    Are you getting your burger for free? Pretty sure that's not applicable in this case, try another analogy. DoseofYaoi

    Nice :')

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:07 pm
    Don't assume shit. Most of us pay when we can. We just do not pay to read a chapter, we pay to support the author. Like this we can support several at our humble level, and not only one. Plus, you are here as w... ThingOfEvil

    I don't understand your logic... how you got to that conclusion... :')))

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 4:12 pm
    I don't understand your logic... how you got to that conclusion... :'))) amimie

    Sshh be careful, she might call u a hypocrite too xD altho im pretty sure she doesn't really know what a hypocrite is given how loosely she tosses the term around.

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 4:15 pm
    ??So just because im expression an opinion, im a hypocrite now? Who's assuming shit now? Dude if it pains u to see comments like mine, it's obvious that your retaliating out of guilty conscience and ur trying t... DoseofYaoi

    Oho you telling me to shut up and let you talk crap about hother people just because you want to look good? And why are you ignoring the main point of my answer and just picking on stuff you think you can bitch over?
    Just like this upload, do it right or do it NOT.
    Yes we complain because this update is a huge troll. You suck the uploader balls because you are an hypocrite.
    Just you being in the comment section of this manwha on this website makes you the same as us. Telling us we cannot complain cause we don't pay is plain shit. Like I said, most of us pay to SUPPORT several authors. Because we discovered them here and like their work.
    And btw, If the first chapter I ever read looks like the shit we got today, there's no way in hell I would want to support the author.
    You got things messed up dude.

    louis January 22, 2020 4:15 pm

    Thank God u understand! I just posted something related to this and got called a hypocrite. What a world we live in! Wow

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:16 pm
    Sshh be careful, she might call u a hypocrite too xD altho im pretty sure she doesn't really know what a hypocrite is given how loosely she tosses the term around. DoseofYaoi

    They this were are faking the fact that we're happy about the updates... how can they know what we think... outtta myyy brain x))))

    I'm dying :'))))

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 4:18 pm
    Thank God u understand! I just posted something related to this and got called a hypocrite. What a world we live in! Wow louis

    I can't help but think this is just people's self defense mechanism lashing out in the worst way possible. Oh well, whatever helps them feel better about themself.

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:22 pm
    Oho you telling me to shut up and let you talk crap about hother people just because you want to look good? And why are you ignoring the main point of my answer and just picking on stuff you think you can bitc... ThingOfEvil

    No one is telling you to shut up... we are all free to talk and that's what we do...
    I'm here to read the novel and never once complained so why should I be considered a hypocrite..?
    To be a hypocrite is to say something and do the opposite... btw (there is no other meaning to it)

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 4:28 pm
    I don't understand your logic... how you got to that conclusion... :'))) amimie

    How? I'll give you a very simple example:
    If you step on 20$, you like it. You can buy stuff with it, it was free, it brings you pleasure and you expression it by smiling, or even yelling, jumping in the street.
    If you step on a dog shit, you don't like it. It's free as well but doesn't bring any kind of pleasure, it sticks to your shoes and stinks.
    And what? You gonna go find the dog owner and thank them, because after all, you didn't pay for it?

    Louis is right this time, I'm gonna call you an hypocrite too.

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:35 pm
    How? I'll give you a very simple example:If you step on 20$, you like it. You can buy stuff with it, it was free, it brings you pleasure and you expression it by smiling, or even yelling, jumping in the street.... ThingOfEvil

    Call me as you like :3
    I've got to admit that the metaphor is really good... but that's nothing but a metaphor and what we got wasn't shit. I really managed to read it with the raws somehow and thus I was really grateful to the uploader. ^^'

    I'm sorry if I bothered you (though I was a bit sarcastic)

    howdy pardner January 22, 2020 4:35 pm
    Are you getting your burger for free? Pretty sure that's not applicable in this case, try another analogy. DoseofYaoi

    I finally thought of one that makes a little more sense, what if you volunteered to clean your moms whole house from top to bottom while she’s at work, she’ll come home expecting a clean home from top to bottom but you only cleaned the dishes and ignored everything else in the house and added a different mess somewhere else ( I’m talking about the emoji bit ) your mother would be shocked and confused! I don’t think she’d like that you volunteered to do one thing and pretty much none of it got done. I think that when you volunteer to do a scan and upload you take on the responsibility of cleaning everything and not making messes in other places. It isn’t easy to clean anything so I do appreciate that they tried but it’s not bad to ask for a better job. I don’t think people should be rude though. Initially I only saw one person comment politely about how confusing the chapter was and I thought that was fair, but someone called them entitled.

    louis January 22, 2020 4:38 pm
    What’s wrong with expressing your opinion on something that clearly wasn’t done well? Would you not complain to a restaurant if your burger wasn’t cooked properly or if they made it wrong? There’s nothi... howdy pardner

    Dude where do u get your burger for free?

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:41 pm
    I finally thought of one that makes a little more sense, what if you volunteered to clean your moms whole house from top to bottom while she’s at work, she’ll come home expecting a clean home from top to bo... howdy pardner

    The whole work isn't worthless even if it isn't perfect. Most people here don't think it's bad to complain but people were getting rude... even calling us hypocrites...
    What I do understand though is when you're getting aggressive people will reply in the same way. ^^'

    howdy pardner January 22, 2020 4:42 pm
    Dude where do u get your burger for free? louis

    Sometimes I get lucky and my security job hooks us up with burgers for lunch or dinner but that’s usually when I do 10 plus hour shifts :/

    DoseofYaoi January 22, 2020 4:48 pm
    I finally thought of one that makes a little more sense, what if you volunteered to clean your moms whole house from top to bottom while she’s at work, she’ll come home expecting a clean home from top to bo... howdy pardner

    Let me give u my analogy of how this comment section looks like to me. We, readers, are starving beggars. Uploader gives us bread which we shit and stomp on and say, bread?! I wanted meat, ya fool! I'd rather wait for the next person to give me meat than take ur bread!
    If this were reddit, i would've screenshotted this entire comment section on the /choosybeggars subreddit.

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:49 pm
    I finally thought of one that makes a little more sense, what if you volunteered to clean your moms whole house from top to bottom while she’s at work, she’ll come home expecting a clean home from top to bo... howdy pardner

    The effort wasn't perfect but it wasn't worthless... at least for me ^^'
    And it's not about finding a good metaphor... we got pretty far (though it's good) :p

    howdy pardner January 22, 2020 4:49 pm
    The whole work isn't worthless even if it isn't perfect. Most people here don't think it's bad to complain but people were getting rude... even calling us hypocrites... What I do understand though is when you'r... amimie

    I don’t think it’s worthless just really confusing because it repeated itself and some of the words were different than the first chapter but I was happy to see that it updated. I don’t believe you should just be rude to the uploader for trying but I also don’t think it’s necessary to be rude to those who wish for less confusion.

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:50 pm
    Let me give u my analogy of how this comment section looks like to me. We, readers, are starving beggars. Uploader gives us bread which we shit and stomp on and say, bread?! I wanted meat, ya fool! I'd rather w... DoseofYaoi

    Niceeeeeeeee :ppp

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:52 pm
    I don’t think it’s worthless just really confusing because it repeated itself and some of the words were different than the first chapter but I was happy to see that it updated. I don’t believe you should... howdy pardner

    I agree :)

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 4:52 pm
    Call me as you like :3I've got to admit that the metaphor is really good... but that's nothing but a metaphor and what we got wasn't shit. I really managed to read it with the raws somehow and thus I was really... amimie

    Yeah well I just saw your answer on the other topic and I can't figure how this could make anyone happy. It is a mess to the point of needing the raws, and I suppose it wasn't smooth since the translated pages were VERY fucked up, and the uploader dropped their meal in the chapter to top it off.
    Can you imagine ALL the mangas here looking like that? I have a headache just by picturing it.
    The uploader didn't do a good job here, this is a FACT. And if it really made you happy,then you are not an hypocrite, but a weirdo.
    The other uploaders on mangago are certainly very confused as well (especially when get bashed for a missing page or crops that don't please some readers) and it is awfully disrespectful towards the author. I mean, we already share illegally their works here, but if we start to ruin it too...
    I'm also sorry if I bothered you, but know there wasn't the slightest bit of sarcasm in what I said nor any ill intentions. I just call a cat a cat.

    amimie January 22, 2020 4:59 pm
    Yeah well I just saw your answer on the other topic and I can't figure how this could make anyone happy. It is a mess to the point of needing the raws, and I suppose it wasn't smooth since the translated pages ... ThingOfEvil

    You know they'll eventually fix it... I'm talking like that because it's not the first time I found such updates... ^^'
    But I prefer having this than nothing so people who don't want to read it like this can wait till a better version is published... it's the same thing for them.

    For me what is the worst are those google translated stuff... what's the use.. even I can do it.. ^^'

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 5:18 pm
    You know they'll eventually fix it... I'm talking like that because it's not the first time I found such updates... ^^'But I prefer having this than nothing so people who don't want to read it like this can wai... amimie

    Like I said it's not just a few pages out of order, this upload really was a troll and it's not nice (for the readers, for the usual uploaders, and for the admins who will have to take care of it). I cannot bring myself to thank someone who did this kind of job.
    A for the rude comments, I didn't see them. I saw people saying it was badly done, it was incomprehensible, what was that, and even mine was "excuse me sir, you dropped your meal in this chapter" or something.
    But honestly, this is my first time ever seeing such a mess. I'd rather have no update than something that will confuse me so hard, and i already said I'm glad it wasn't a story chapter because I could have simply dropped the manwha ( look how confusing was a smut chapter...).
    I'm not gonna back up on this, I'll certainly thank the uploader if they fix this mess but I'll absolutely say it if something looks like a voluntarily made up shit.

    The eggplant and peach could have passed for a clumsy censorship, but the banana was undoubtedly mocking me.

    MangaSanctuary January 22, 2020 6:45 pm
    Like I said it's not just a few pages out of order, this upload really was a troll and it's not nice (for the readers, for the usual uploaders, and for the admins who will have to take care of it). I cannot bri... ThingOfEvil

    Don't want to start improbable theories, but this occurs only one day after Mangago forbids the use of Anonymous function to comment on potn, therefore now the Spamming Anon can't spam anymore.
    So this could totally be their doing, knowing how they used to troll around here since months. I don't know if you were here these few days, but it was infernal lol.
    This section was filled with Anon spams till yesterday, and some of us took action by reporting and notifying Mangago to stop this circus. Then, oddly, the day after, we these funny updates.

    But even if this wasn't the doing of Anon troll, THIS WAS DONE ON PURPOSE by someone ill-intentioned. No need to discuss forever about how their intentions. There were not only this problem of chapters mixing together, but more importantly, these ridiculous veggies in the lemons... How on Earth someone with a bit of respect for any kind of work would do that? This is pure trollage.

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 7:04 pm
    Don't want to start improbable theories, but this occurs only one day after Mangago forbids the use of Anonymous function to comment on potn, therefore now the Spamming Anon can't spam anymore.So this could tot... MangaSanctuary

    Thanks for the confirmation, I think so too. This looked like nothing but a 12 years old's poor sense of humor.
    Now that you mention it, it's true that the comment sections has been an awful mess lately, but especially today I got badly ticked off by these goodie too shoes praising this fucked up update and bashing people who stated the fact that the update was as shitty as can be.
    Trolls are multiplying worryingly these days and I fucking don't want to see mangago closing down because they get out of control, I wish I could find them and bitch-slap them myself.

    amimie January 22, 2020 7:22 pm
    Thanks for the confirmation, I think so too. This looked like nothing but a 12 years old's poor sense of humor. Now that you mention it, it's true that the comment sections has been an awful mess lately, but es... ThingOfEvil

    This is only an assumption... and why would trolls translate chapters for us... anyway I'm out ^^'

    MangaSanctuary January 22, 2020 7:28 pm
    Thanks for the confirmation, I think so too. This looked like nothing but a 12 years old's poor sense of humor. Now that you mention it, it's true that the comment sections has been an awful mess lately, but es... ThingOfEvil

    Very welcome (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    It was SO OBVIOUS I don't understand why you guys, or the other guys, are still here arguing about these strange updates.
    Yeah, this place was so toxic just yesterday, but thanks to few friends who helped me, we got rid of the Spamming Anon.

    I'm afraid that the only thing we can do is to REPORT to the site whenever trollage happens again. And I don't think this will be the last time -infortunately- we get to see such thing happen to POTN. This story has indeed controversal themes and it has created tensions till chap1 one. Courage to us the ones who like this work dearly and support the Author in a way or another.

    MangaSanctuary January 22, 2020 7:35 pm
    This is only an assumption... and why would trolls translate chapters for us... anyway I'm out ^^' amimie

    Some translate, others just take official pages of Lezhin to post here.
    Trolls are persons like any others in the end, and some of them can speak Japanese, Korean, so for them it's not big deal. This is big deal though if they use this talent to mock us poor starved Fujoshis/danshis. This is not nice.

    Trust me, someone with the most petite respect for any kind of work won't never do this.
    Now there's no need to be angry and lose energy for something like this.
    This person may be terribly clumsy with a trash sense of humor, but this is too Big to see this as pure mistakes. Peace.

    ThingOfEvil January 22, 2020 7:58 pm
    This is only an assumption... and why would trolls translate chapters for us... anyway I'm out ^^' amimie

    As mangaSanctuary said, they don't even need to translate, they can buy the chapters on Lezhin or just simply pick up random panels that were shared on Facebook (or any other social network), and it most likely to be the case here since some panels belonged to previous chapters.
    I'm glad it was taken down seeing how even the comment section transformed into a battlefield, I bet that bitch troll had the time of their life and it makes it even more despicable.
    I'll keep on buying a chapter here and there on Lezhin/Tappytoon/Renta when I can afford and I'll probably wait for the update here to appear in my notifications to avoid any more dramas.

    SosoFr January 22, 2020 8:19 pm
    It's not because it's censored but because the pages aren't in the right order...But even so, we shouldn't complain at all ^^' amimie

    Yeah i agree. Being angry can not be forbidden tho. If it was a joke (Well it wasnt rly funny ^^') and if it was the real update it was a really disapointing level for an uploader.
    We are still thankfull, still. It is important to thank them no matter what they upload bc at least they do upload ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
    I swear when i Will have enough money online i Will pay the author for his manhwa ╥﹏╥

DoseofYaoi January 21, 2020 1:29 pm


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