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L_crazyme 24's feed

L_crazyme 24 created a topic of Demon's Wish

School trip how exciting ( ̄へ ̄), let us put all of our expectations in this dam trip… I am already thinking about the scenarios for the sex to happen cuz if the author is not doing her job i have to imagine it. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ cliches 1° they can get lost in the forest and somehow find a cabin to spend de night 2° trap in a lake naked because both didn’t realise the other was there, and when they knew they are already naked, and have hide cuz someone shows up but the clothes are far from their reach so Doya grabs her and go under where everything is seen (≧∀≦)… ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍