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hishouboke July 25, 2020 1:57 pm

it's about to get steamyyyy

hishouboke July 25, 2020 1:47 pm

Huan Wen really said he'll marry Yuan and adopt some kids, he told me himself

hishouboke July 25, 2020 1:41 pm

Getting mad over the way Haesoo is with Joowon feels dumb to me because Joowon seemed to think of H is an object he could just get back anytime. He even told him not to fall in love with him and that's what made Haesoo become the way he is now. Haesoo knew it was wrong but he really was in love with Joowon and couldn't resist him. Haesoo always felt guilty about his mom not being able to be happy because they took that away from their parents. I hope Haesoo ends up with Taku and is truly able to find love with him since he never let himself love anyone else. Joowon lost his chance, he knew how Haesoo felt. Sorry for the long comment, I just think they all deserve happiness but Haesoo and Taku should get their happiness together. And Joowon should find someone to find his happiness as well :(

    Angie July 25, 2020 1:42 pm

    The infamous "don't fall for me" was said after they were caught by Haesoo's mother. The context is rather important.

    Angie July 25, 2020 1:45 pm

    And I always have mixed feelings about Joowon thinking about Haesoo as an object. He loved the guy but was scared to progress their relationship because he feared rejection plus their family situation. And he thought if he is in love Haesoo and he will always be his number one him then it's the same case for Haesoo. Rather shortsighted and naive. But I believe it was his way of thinking.

    hishouboke July 25, 2020 9:12 pm
    And I always have mixed feelings about Joowon thinking about Haesoo as an object. He loved the guy but was scared to progress their relationship because he feared rejection plus their family situation. And he t... Angie

    I understand that he said it after they got caught, however, that didn't stop him from pursuing Haesoo. He knew Haesoo loved him yet he continued to go to him knowing full well that Haesoo would still be there. That's why to me, I feel like it's wrong for people to hate Haesoo for finally deciding to cut him off. Joowon realised to late how he felt and going to Taku to tell him that "your relationship won't last long and he'll just come back to me" is wrong in so many ways. 10 years was enough time for them to get together and work things out. If I was in an unsure relationship like that, I too would have decided to leave. Their parents are finally getting back together and that's when he decided that he wants to be with Haesoo. Both of them were wrong but Joowon lead Haesoo on knowing fully well how he felt. They all deserve to be happy, but them two need to move on from an off and on relationship that never became anything else but physical for 10 years. I also think the parents deserve to be together so I don't like the idea of them being together :/

    Angie July 25, 2020 9:34 pm
    I understand that he said it after they got caught, however, that didn't stop him from pursuing Haesoo. He knew Haesoo loved him yet he continued to go to him knowing full well that Haesoo would still be there.... hishouboke

    I doubt their parents will get together because Haesoo's mum already has doubts and Joowon's father's main reason for remarriage is separating their sons by taboo. Rather disturbing reason for a marriage imo.

    Both of them hurt each other deeply. Haesoo said himself he with premeditation liked to hurt Joowon and make him jealous. Haesoo's own words: "My tendency to bare my claws, to chose words which got under skin. The relationship I twisted and manipulated because I craved obsessive love". Imo both of them hurt each and played the twisted game.
    I also think Haesoo was aware of Joowon's feelings. He hoped he Joowon won't cry after hotel scene.

    I think Joowon has known for a long time how he felt.


    He said he feared rejection that why he never openly confessed and asked Haesoo's to date openly.

    End of spoilers

    I think their family situation and its impact shaped their relationship to the very end. They often felt (especially Haesoo) as if they were doing something wrong.

    Joowon didn't want to contact Taku at all at first. He visited him after Leo's call, where Leo made him believe that Taku is only using Haesoo and will throw him away (as other models) after exhibition. I'm not gonna praise him for that scene. One of Joowon's problem is that he is too hot headed and explosive. He has to work on that definitely.
    But the main reason why he visited Taku at all was because he was worried about Haesoo.

    hishouboke July 25, 2020 11:25 pm
    I doubt their parents will get together because Haesoo's mum already has doubts and Joowon's father's main reason for remarriage is separating their sons by taboo. Rather disturbing reason for a marriage imo.Bo... Angie

    Like I said, they both did wrong but people hate on Haesoo for liking Taku and trying to give him a chance. They both decided to stay out of each other's love life and although Joowon got that call about Taku, he still went to him when he pretty much didn't have the right too. He was worried about Haesoo, but he didn't even give Taku a chance to find out whether Taku liked Haesoo or not from the start. Joowon just didn't like Taku at all since he was taking Haesoo away from him. So that's why I think it was wrong of Joowon to say those things of "Haesoo will just come back to me" attitude. Haesoo more than likely did know Joowon loved him but Joowon never said anything to keep Haesoo, which was the reason the relationship was nothing but physical. Pretty much just fuck buddies. Haesoo would go running to Joowon whenever Joowon messaged him and Joowon knew that. After the parents separated they just stayed the same, nothing more but nothing less. I do understand the fear of rejection, but it has been 10 years already. The parents were happy before they found out about them two and they loved each other, I don't think they just want to get remarried for the reason of them separating them. But it is one of the reasons. The relationship was wrong from the moment it started, they were stepbrothers who should've never gotten in that type of relationship.

    BlubbDia July 26, 2020 4:26 am
    Like I said, they both did wrong but people hate on Haesoo for liking Taku and trying to give him a chance. They both decided to stay out of each other's love life and although Joowon got that call about Taku, ... hishouboke

    i'm with u girl

    Angie July 26, 2020 7:50 am
    Like I said, they both did wrong but people hate on Haesoo for liking Taku and trying to give him a chance. They both decided to stay out of each other's love life and although Joowon got that call about Taku, ... hishouboke

    Like... I don't really care that people hate on Haesoo for giving Taku a chance ,(tbh didn't see much posts like that). It's illogical. He has every right to try things with Taku. And stay with him after the month term.

    Yes it wasn't his place to torment Taku you are completely right. But he asked K the questions and he never answered them. Which still he doesn't have to because Joowon didn't have any right to ask them. But still maybe if he answered truthfully how he dearly loved Haesoo it would have been easier for Joowon to give up and move on.

    He didn't like K before he knew he is involved with Haesoo. He didn't like his art and Taku taunted and teased him during the photo session when Joowon didn't even really know who the guy is (and Taku knew who J really is).

    Ok but you are talking as if Haesoo couldn't have progressed the relationship. Also I'm not sure about nothing than physical. There were times when they met and didn't even have sex. One from the first scenes. They just cuddled or talked. They also had feelings for each other.

    Once again the only one who actually showed affections who contacted Haesoo, said he missed him, cuddled him, held his hand, was worried about Haesoo living alone, borrowing him his car was Joowon.

    Yes it has been 10 years (tbh it's not really 10 years. 3 years of marriage, then they were separated and we don't know when they met each other again, we only know that Haesoo magically appeared in Joowon's life when he was depressed while being already famous actor and "he started to hit the bottom" mentally and he helped him go through that phase). But I think their family situation, Haesoo's mum disapproval and their fear, both Joowon's and Haesoo's shaped this relationship and it could have never progressed further.

    Tbh how do you know their parents were happy and loved each other? We didn't see much of them. And Joowon's father looks like calculating man, hiding behind fake smiles.
    To me at this point in the story they look more like business partners. Why did they wait about 7 years for remarriage? Why when Haesoo's mum started to have doubts, the first thing Joowon's father brings up is that if they won't marry their sons won't be separated by taboo?

    Angie July 26, 2020 7:52 am
    Like I said, they both did wrong but people hate on Haesoo for liking Taku and trying to give him a chance. They both decided to stay out of each other's love life and although Joowon got that call about Taku, ... hishouboke

    And I don't really agree that "both of them decided to stay out of each other life". The only one who decided that was Haesoo. Joowon just adjust.

    hishouboke July 26, 2020 9:48 am
    And I don't really agree that "both of them decided to stay out of each other life". The only one who decided that was Haesoo. Joowon just adjust. Angie

    I didn't say only "life" I said, "love life" because that's what they decided on.

    Angie July 26, 2020 9:55 am
    I didn't say only "life" I said, "love life" because that's what they decided on. hishouboke

    Oh sorry I thought you were talking about hotel scene and aftermath. I understand what you meant.

    hishouboke July 26, 2020 10:18 am
    Like... I don't really care that people hate on Haesoo for giving Taku a chance ,(tbh didn't see much posts like that). It's illogical. He has every right to try things with Taku. And stay with him after the mo... Angie

    Well if someone went barging into my studio and yelled at me saying stuff that ain't true before given the chance to explain, I would definitely, not want to respond. I would be super pissed off. Yes, Taku knew and teased him, you're right, but J slso taunted him from the start just because he didn't like his art, and that's why his manager apologized at the beginning. And Taku started taunting back. Haesoo couldn't really progress they're relationship because he was told to "not fall in love" by J so I'm more than sure he kept that in mind since they showed that scene multiple times. The relationship turned mostly physical though, yeah at the start they would cuddle and stuff but it did turn to a physical relationship. And like you mentioned, it could have never progressed further yet they kept meeting up. In all the times they met up knowing it couldn't become anything more, makes it worse. Because even H said that with one word from J he would come running to him. 10 years or even 2 years, all that time, they could've talked but niether of them did. I said they were happy because H's mom had said that it couldn't be J and why did it have to be him when she deserved to be happy married. And H also said that J's father still loved his mom so I figured that was them implying they were happy. Maybe they waited 7 years because H's mom knew that H and J were stil seeing each other. J's father did bring it up after she tried to push it off the wedding again, abd he said he knew about their relationship. But would just act like he didn't. I wouldn't consider remarrying if they weren't happy at some point at least. They were married first before the whole taboo happened and for them to be together and stop them from seeing each other would be to make it taboo again. I do believe that their parents had to have loved each other to some extent if he kept supporting her and they both wanted to get remarried. That's just my thinking though. I do appreciate you responding to me, but writing so much myself gets tiring. I'm not good with words and might not get everything across. Thanks for taking time out of your day to respond to me!

    hishouboke July 26, 2020 10:19 am
    Oh sorry I thought you were talking about hotel scene and aftermath. I understand what you meant. Angie

    It's all good! :)

    Angie July 26, 2020 5:12 pm

    The first one who taunted was actually Taku. He first smirked at Joowon when they were introduced... Even Joowon was a little taken aback by that. Then Taku started getting personal "I suppose you have never really been lonely before, Joowon" (which is just sad when you think how Joowon spent his whole childhood alone in front of TV, his mother dead and father always busy). That's when Joowon started taunting back.

    The "not fall for me" was said when they were teens and after Haesoo's mum caught them... It was painful memory for Haesoo it's clear... But he could have also progressed the relationship. Theoretically. And he never tried. He was always distant and cool. Getting jealous from time to time. Or passionate during sex. Or making Joowon jealous and getting under his skin with words.

    But they cuddled at the beggining of the story... So they were scenes from maybe few months before actual point in the story? Their relationship lasted 10 years... So I wouldn't say it was at the beggining, start of their relationship.

    Hmmm I think Haesoo mum said that it couldn't be Joowon...because she resents him. She blames him for ending of their marriage.
    What's more Joowon's father offended her son to her own face. He literally implied her son was ruining Joowon and he can't stand it.
    I have a feeling they won't marry in the end but who knows.

    It's always nice to discuss culturally with someone :3 (so thank you too!) even if we have a little different view.

hishouboke July 23, 2020 1:15 pm

okay but like I cried so much when Felix told Gio about seeing him in a puddle of blood every time he had a nightmare okay besides that, Felix baby, please, let us see you jealous

hishouboke July 23, 2020 6:52 am

the side couple!! I need closure!!! first of all, I need to know why they broke up and not talk to each other for 8 YEARS WTH

    Januaryblossoms July 24, 2020 5:20 am

    I guess it was because of his failling grades. He also saw that he was struggling to travel to seoul for 2 hours. Both of them haven't moved on, seeing their reaction to each other after 8 years, so I guess it is still a happy ending

    hishouboke July 24, 2020 6:00 am
    I guess it was because of his failling grades. He also saw that he was struggling to travel to seoul for 2 hours. Both of them haven't moved on, seeing their reaction to each other after 8 years, so I guess it ... Januaryblossoms

    I thought that too, but 8 years is a lot

    Januaryblossoms July 24, 2020 11:00 pm
    I thought that too, but 8 years is a lot hishouboke

    Lol, so true. It was hard for me to move on from my first love, it took about 1 year haha. I dunno why it took 8 yearsfor them.

hishouboke July 23, 2020 12:09 am

my heart, hyun makes me cry

hishouboke July 22, 2020 8:05 pm

Jooin deserves the world I just want Yahwi to get his shit together, my heart hurts for Jooin. He really likes Yahwi for Yahwi just to treat him like a whore. I'm so upset, I'm sorry I also find Jooin to be more attractive than Yahwi but that's just me, so baby boy, although Yahwi is also attractive don't let him treat you like shit

hishouboke July 22, 2020 10:03 am

Yahwi needs to stop treating Jooin like a whore I read the raws and I wanted to cry and I didn't even know what they were saying

hishouboke July 19, 2020 3:09 am

he touched his tummy and I'm dying to know if he got pregnant

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