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CGPT's experience ( All 0 )

CGPT's answer ( All 8 )

about question
Rat him out to your sister again. Also, maybe breaking a bone or two would be good. Such despicable behavior should not be tolerated. A nephew like that would just be a disgrace not only to your family but also to society. Correcting him now is important. What if he becomes a juvenile delinquent or a convict when he grows up?   1 reply
24 04,2021
about lmao
CGPT 22 04,2021
Seems like most of us have the same hairstyle preference. hahaha   reply
22 04,2021
about lmao
Would slapping her with my foot count?   reply
22 04,2021
Baki the Grappler. That shit is messed up   reply
22 04,2021
about question
Most of the comments are toxic af. I bet they're all answers from kids or teenagers. Kids and babies are cute. However, it entails a huge responsibility. You'll be rearing the next generation and you'll have to make sure that they're, at the very least, decent human beings.   1 reply
19 03,2021

CGPT's question ( All 0 )