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Bro the computer game stuff is nice but i rlly wanna ve more chapters of them interacting irl like this one. Its quite fun to read

Hua Cheng is my religion created a topic of Jinx

oh god can this guy stop crying for once. I can not root for dan anymore. I hate every character

Hua Cheng is my religion created a topic of Jinx

omfg can this guy stop crying for once

Hua Cheng is my religion created a topic of Jinx

What a waste of good looking character n art

Hua Cheng is my religion created a topic of Jinx

This webtoon sucks. Literally nothing happens. Im sorry but im tired of ukes who are so personality-less, i obviously support dan more than jjk but holy shit hes no less frustrating than jjk.
Both of them need to get some backbone

Hua Cheng is my religion created a topic of Jinx

Bro i cant stand jjk anymore what a bitch and dan needs to get a grip istg stand up for urself my man