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sleep deprived's experience ( All 0 )

sleep deprived's answer ( All 1 )

the biggest scandal in my school was a 8th grader's parent slapping a teacher infront of our eyes lols the teacher lost her shit then   2 reply
16 07,2020

sleep deprived's question ( All 1 )

sleep deprived
06 08,2020
herloooo.. why are there so many littol kids on this app? listen here kidooos.. go do your homework instead of watching gei porn.. okurrrrrrrrrr?
06 08,2020

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

Bro, it's both traumatizing and fun.

The first was traumatizing bcs I was too young, second was fun but traumatizing at the end

2 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

im a boy now who likes boys

5 hours
did be asexual

I HATE SEX !!!! I HATE SEX !!!! I HATE SEX!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm not ace)

5 hours