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KillerBunny's experience ( All 0 )

KillerBunny's answer ( All 5 )

Not you seeking attention after what you have done. Disgusting, log off right now and go to therapy cause that what you need stupid bitch.   reply
04 06,2021
Horny trash can   reply
04 06,2021
well....that an interesting fact for today. thank you (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
04 06,2021
I have a huge hate love relationship for love triangle type of story. But mostly because I enjoy the drama and want to be in pain because I usually end up liking the second lead than the first one.   reply
04 06,2021
KillerBunny 04 06,2021
God, I miss this type of desert. QUARANTINE PLEASE BE OVER SO I CAN GO EAT STUFF LIKE THESE!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ   reply
04 06,2021

KillerBunny's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

My pussy is on fire and your dick is the extinguisher

2 hours
did lose a friend

Yeah cus i was fucking mentally unstable and therapy wasn't an option for me as my parents refused + no money

3 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Sucking on that dick made my lipstick slip off (Uh)
So can I wear your cum as clear lipgloss? (Uh)

5 hours