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Vivify's experience ( All 0 )

Vivify's answer ( All 6 )

about question
Vivify 24 05,2024
I can't answer the question, but I just want to say, that I just graduated, and I'm honestly super impressed by everyone's achievements and career paths rn. It's super interesting to see what ppl are up to outside of this random manga site.   reply
24 05,2024
about question
(I had no idea what this was about before I read the comments) but honestly, I don't think it affects anything whether you block them or not. They do not care and it's not like this is changing their minds.   4 reply
11 05,2024
being lithromantic sounds like an excuse to behave like an asshole ngl. even if the sexuality is a thing, it doesn't mean you are exempt from being an asshole.   2 reply
21 04,2024
about question
Vivify 26 02,2024
me   2 reply
26 02,2024
I tried to make him look similar 2 my oc   reply
14 12,2023

Vivify's question ( All 0 )