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keytsukki created a topic of Dreadful Night

Christian is more ml material than the actual ml, like HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO'S CONNECTED THE DOTS AND HE ONLY SAW HOMIE ONCE KSJSJSJSJSJ

keytsukki created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

love that all of us are unified in the fact that we're being edged so hard HAHAHA

keytsukki created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door


keytsukki created a topic of Backlight

pls that taegu gave me mad anxiety why'd homie gotta strip like that

keytsukki created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

WHAT IS WITH BLs SLANDERING THE MCS BY CALLING THEM AVERAGE, WHEN THEY'RE LITERALLY SO PRETTY??? seyeong is getting the lee yoohan treatment, like are y'all blind???

keytsukki created a topic of Guiding Hazard
keytsukki created a topic of Comes In Threes

if jong-oh liking ah-in is true, which I got the vibe of from the flashbacks. then man, I feel so bad for joon. fuck either of them, he deserves someone better

keytsukki created a topic of Comes In Threes

mfer they rly doubled down on ah-in being the biggest asshole after somewhat giving him a lil' "redemption" pls this is so fked. poor joon, I hope he gets the happy ending he deserves

girl bye bro rly gonna ignore the fact homie SAed him sjnsjs I can't

keytsukki created a topic of Our Sunny Days

and reality hits... I'm sure they'd both be willing to fight for their relationship but like his friend said, sungho also has a child to think about. although things are fine now, not only will they face scrutiny and prejudice as a couple, but so will sungho's child. sungho obviously has more to lose and think about, which is why him being unsure makes complete sense.

keytsukki created a topic of Homeless/No Home
keytsukki created a topic of Payback
keytsukki created a topic of Dead or alive
keytsukki created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

we've alrdy been through all this from the mc's pov but I still feel like ever chp ends on such a cliffhanger it's fr so interesting seeing heejae's pov LOL, the level of delusion