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xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album
xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album

dragons >>

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xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album

aww him looking down is so cutee

xo.caffeine answered question about question
if a pandemic cant kill me, neither would a world war (better get good connection there tho gotta, feed my readers over on Ao3)
xo.caffeine created a topic of Jinx

"i feel like... shit" those are called emotions, honey.

anyways like O'hare said i say let it die! let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die!!

xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album

its the way id DIE from embarrassment if someone said that abt me in front of a crush

xo.caffeine created a topic of Nichijou Climax

so cutee!! loved it but... i read this at 4am so all the jumping around, promises, and random flashbacks are making it hard for me to follow

xo.caffeine answered question about try to progress in life
take everyone out, cant have no witnesses

8 people did   /   1 want to do

currently writing a lil fanfic rn but this isnt my first time writing a "first chapter"

xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album

lmao the shift from ":(" to ":3"

xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album

hehhe so cute!!

xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album


xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album
xo.caffeine add 1 photos to Album

dawg fumbled