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I never thought that isabelle will have so many haters

MiseryRIP January 25, 2021 1:39 pm

I never thought that isabelle will have so many haters

    Mctm January 25, 2021 5:41 pm

    Unnecessary and unjustified hate at that

    Kscott January 25, 2021 9:17 pm

    Just because shes a female at that

    (Even tho she do be strong... pussies)

    Kscott January 26, 2021 2:23 am
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    Bruh shes a side character who barely interferes with the main character lately she just follows him with what he's planning to do. yes such nagged him to let her accompany him but he had always had people around him and after being locked up for how many year by the demigod do you think he wants to be alone. And she is pretty strong compared to the people her age that was shown at the begining but of course she would be overshadowed when next to the mc everyone is because he op. If he really didnt like her he would straight up tell her no like he dies with everyone else

    Mctm January 26, 2021 2:55 am
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    She's been able to hold her own this entire series?? Wdym 'what part of her is strong'. Not once has she been a 'damsal in distress', and she simply tags along with him and helps him out when he asks. Her personality isn't annoying in any way shape or form. Yall just hating because she's the FL and any sign of FL's in manhua's like this just trigger people like you for no reason, so you justify it by saying 'she has an annoying personality'. She isn't clingy and obviously doesn't have feelings for Frey, so yall can't argue about romance here either. So to sum it up, the hate is unnecessary.

    Kscott January 26, 2021 10:45 am
    She's been able to hold her own this entire series?? Wdym 'what part of her is strong'. Not once has she been a 'damsal in distress', and she simply tags along with him and helps him out when he asks. Her perso... Mctm

    Preach. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶