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THIS IS SO FREAKIN CUTE 😭😭😭😭 I am terrified of what drama may occur, Angel’s...

YaoiHands January 24, 2021 6:18 am

I am terrified of what drama may occur, Angel’s mother seems to be not possessive and obsessive with her son and poor Fio? (what was his name again? I’ve never heard of his name before for what I’m assuming is an American) His whole family disowned him and his brother seems to harass him like clockwork. I can’t believe this, I hope it gets updated soon, hell, I hope I can buy this!! Does anyone know anything about this manga?????

    YaoiHands January 24, 2021 6:23 am

    Lol after reading some comments, I just realized that Angel is underage. I thought he was in college, like a community college. But he’s trying to get *into* college. Ahhh, I suppose that’s my only distaste about the story so far. Maybe if Brown wasn’t as old as he is (not that 30 is old) it would roll off the tongue better.