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    miethi January 23, 2021 11:09 am

    Thanks a lot ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Kumo January 23, 2021 7:41 pm

    You're welcome :)

    Kumo January 25, 2021 7:37 am

    I finished reading all the translated chapters. It doesn't take long, 2 days reading fast, 5-7 days taking your time.

    I liked the story, but I wish it had more...

    The premise is that the MC can copy other skills, but it is not deeply explored it. The MC gains a lot of skills, but most of them he gained it behind the scenes (in a time skip of 4 years) and we didn't get to know the process of gaining them... and that is what I wanted to see XD

    Author likes to tease the readers. The story announces that something is gonna happen, in example, a new rare skill is gonna be seen, but then he drags and drags that event as far as he can with side characters that are not that relevant.

    I wanted to see a completely new world full of skills, with a MC risking his life to copy all ind of rare skills (like a cultivation novel), but I found a more romance/mistery oriented story where gaining skills is secondary -.-

    Slime March 7, 2021 9:48 am
    I finished reading all the translated chapters. It doesn't take long, 2 days reading fast, 5-7 days taking your time.I liked the story, but I wish it had more...The premise is that the MC can copy other skills,... Kumo

    Where did u read the rest of the chapters can u tell me the link

    baebaeLu June 10, 2021 1:58 am
    I finished reading all the translated chapters. It doesn't take long, 2 days reading fast, 5-7 days taking your time.I liked the story, but I wish it had more...The premise is that the MC can copy other skills,... Kumo

    Do tell if theres a harem so i can just skip this